美国小学英语教材5:第3课 神奇的牛奶罐(1)(在线收听

   The Miraculous Pitcher Nathaniel Hawthorne 神奇的牛奶罐。纳萨尼尔·霍桑

  Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of America's greatest story-tellers. 纳萨尼尔·霍桑是美国最伟大的故事家之一。
  In some of his stories he told of famous wonder-working people who were supposed to live long years ago. 在他的许多故事里,他讲述了那些被认为是生活在很久以前的创造奇迹的名人。
  They were called gods, and they ruled over the people who lived on earth. 他们被称为神灵,他们主宰着生活在大地上的人们。
  The father of all the gods was Zeus. 众神之父是宙斯。
  The thunder was his voice, and lightning was his weapon. 雷声是他的嗓音,闪电是他的武器。
  Quicksilver was the messenger of the gods. 水银是众神的信使。
  In the story you will now read, Hawthorne tells how Zeus and Quicksilver came down to earth, and taught some people a very valuable lesson. 在你将要读的故事里,霍桑讲述宙斯和水银如何来到人间,并教给一些人非常宝贵的经验教训。
  Baucis and Philemon 伯希斯和菲利蒙
  One evening, in times long ago, old Philemon and his wife, Baucis, sat at their cottage door, enjoying the beautiful sunset. 很久以前的一个傍晚,老菲利蒙和他的妻子伯希斯坐在他们小屋的门口,享受着美丽的日落时光。
  They had already eaten their supper, and intended to spend a quiet hour or two before bedtime. 他们已经吃过了晚饭,打算在睡觉前安安静静的度过一两个小时。
  So they talked together about their garden and their cow and their bees. 于是他们一起讨论着他们的花园、奶牛和蜜蜂。
  But the rude shouts of children and the fierce barking of dogs in the village near at hand grew louder and louder, 但是旁边村子里的孩子们那粗鲁的喊叫声和凶猛的狗叫声越来越响,
  until at last it was hardly possible for Baucis and Philemon to hear each other speak. 最后伯希斯和菲利蒙简直听不见彼此的说话声了。