大家说英语 第454期:健康的双眼(2)(在线收听

 Hello, Alex. Are you OK? 哈喽,阿莱克斯。你还好吗?

No, Rob. My eyes are bothering me. 不好,罗布。我的眼睛在困扰着我。
What's wrong? 怎么了?
I can't stop rubbing my eyes! They're really itchy. 我一直揉眼睛!我的双眼真的很痒。
They're really red, too. Do you have allergies? 也真的很红。你过敏了?
I think so. 我想是的。
Some medicine can help. Do you have any? 有些要可能会管用。你有吗?
No, I don't. 我没有。
Then buy some at the store. 那就在药店买一些吧。
Good morning, Susie! 早上好,苏西!
Hi, Ben. 嗨,本。
What are you reading? 你在读什么?
I'm trying to read this book. 我在试着读这本书。
Why are you squinting? 为什么你要眯着眼?
I'm squinting because I can't see the words clearly. 我眯着眼是因为我看不清字。
Are you tired? 你很累吗?
No. 不是。
How many fingers do you see? 你能看到几根手指头?
Two fingers. 两根儿。
Maybe you need a new pair of glasses. 也许你需要配一副新眼镜了。
What are you doing, Linda? 你在做什么,琳达?
I can't find one of my contacts! 我找不到我的一片隐形眼镜了!
Oh, no. 哦,不。
Do you see it on my desk? 你在我的桌子上看到了吗?
No. Maybe it's on the floor. 没有。可能在地上。
Look around. Do you see it? 四处找找吧。你看到了吗?
No. Wait. Stop. Don't move. 没有。等等。停。不要动。
Why? 为什么?
I see your contact! 我看到你的隐形眼镜了!
Where is it? 在哪里?
It's on your shirt! 在你的衬衫上面!