美国小学英语教材4:第80课 便鞋比赛(6)(在线收听

 There is a place in that city where the road runs between two deep ponds. 那所城市有这样一个地方:中间是路,两边是池塘。

It is a narrow road, with the water coming right up to the edge on each side. 这是一条羊肠小道,两边的水一直流到路边。
Ting Fang knew it was a dangerous road, but he knew that many sandals could be found there. 方廷知道这条路很危险,但他知道那里可以找到很多草鞋。
So he told the other children that he was going to the Road Between Ponds 所以他告诉其他人自己要去那条路看看
and that he would meet them at twelve o'clock. 十二点钟和他们会面。
Ting Fang was very happy as he walked along. 方廷边走边高兴着。
All the way he sang a song and pulled his heavy load of sandals. 一路上唱着歌,拖着笨重的草鞋。
At the Road Between Ponds, the mud was slippery, and the deep water was very close. 两边池塘中间的那条路泥泞打滑,旁边的水很深。
In just a little while Ting Fang found six sandals and strung them on his rope. 不一会儿,方廷找到了六只草鞋,用绳子给系了起来。
The string of sandals was now very heavy, and the rope seemed longer than before. 现在草鞋很重,绳子似乎比以前更长了。
Soon the little boy saw another sandal right by the edge of the pond. 不久,方廷在池塘边上又看到了一只草鞋。
As he reached for it, he suddenly slipped and almost fell into the deep water. 当他伸手去抓的时候,突然滑了一下,差点掉进深水里。
He was so frightened that he dropped his rope and used both hands to climb back to the road again. 方廷吓得扔下绳子,用双手支撑着爬回到路边。
Then he stood up and looked for his rope. It was not there! 当他站起来寻找绳子时,绳子丢了!
Ting Fang could hardly believe it, but it was true. 方廷几乎不敢相信,但这已是事实。
His rope, with the heavy sandals, had slid off the edge of the road into the water, 绳子和草鞋已经从路边滑到水里去了。
and the sandals were lost forever! 草鞋再也回不来了!