玩转商务英语900句 第432期:入乡随俗(2)(在线收听

 Bats have been considered unlucky since the middle ages.  蝙蝠从中世纪开始就被视为不吉祥的动物。

Bats have been considered unlucky since the middle ages. 蝙蝠从中世纪开始就被视为不吉祥的动物。
As they are related to witches. 因为它们总是让人同女巫联系起来。 
Bread and butter is a daily food in the west. 在西方,面包和黄油是人们的日常食物。
Bread and butter is a daily food in the west. 在西方,面包和黄油是人们的日常食物。
That's a little dull. 那有点单调。 