VOA常速英语2-18--9/11过后17年 纽约依然美丽(在线收听

The first train arriving at the newly opened WTC Cortlandt platform was met with cheers and excitement Saturday. I can’t believe that the 17 years now it gonna stop here once again. The renovated station features a marble mosaic titled Chorus by artist Ann Hamilton. Her artwork incorporates texts from the 1776 Declaration of Independence and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

世贸中心科特勒特这个新站台刚刚开放。周六,第一辆列车抵达,迎接它的一片欢腾。我不敢相信,仅仅17年的时候,它就能再次抵达这里。翻新后的车站有着大理石拼花的设计,是艺术家安 汉密尔顿(Ann Hamilton)的作品。她的作品涉及了许多时期,既有1776年独立宣言时期的,也有联合国人权宣言时期的。

We worked really hard over the past three years to recreate this station in a very poignant, emotional, very emotional, very special place in New York. The artwork is spectacular, I think it’s a fitting tribute to the people that died on that terrible day back in 2001.The renovation started late because the city was working on the reconstruction of the above-ground area destroyed in a 2001 terrorist attack. But the project was finished in time to mark the 17th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack ever on American soil.


More than 2,700 people were killed and thousands were injured when two planes crashed in the center and toppled its twin towers. Walter Matuza’s father was killed in the North Tower when Walter was only 10. Really cool to be here and take a picture of the World Trade Center Sign. Transportation officials say WTC Cortlandt is more than a new subway station; it’s a symbol of New Yorkers resolve not just to restore but to improve the entire World Trade Center site.

2700多人遇害,上千人受伤,因为两架飞机在中心坠落,推倒了双子塔。沃尔特 马杜沙(Walter Matuza)的父亲在北塔遇难,那时候,沃尔特才10岁。来到这里,还能给世贸中心的标志拍照可真好。交通部工作人员表示,世贸中心的科特勒特站不只是一个新建的地铁站,他还象征着纽约人重建家园的决心以及改善世贸中心面貌的决心。
