向前一步:第128期 不要身还在 心已远(2)(在线收听

 As I've mentioned, I'm a big believer in thoughtful preparation. 我在前文中已经提到,我深信凡事都要做好周全的准备。

Everywhere I go, I carry a little notebook with my to-do list—an actual notebook that I write in with an actual pen. 不管我去哪里,都会带一个记录着待办事项的小笔记本——那种得用笔来记录的本子,
(In the tech world, this is like carrying a stone tablet and chisel.) 在科技世界里,这就像带着一张石板和一把刻刀。
But when it comes to integrating career and family, planning too far in advance can close doors rather than open them. 当事业与家庭渐渐融合时,规划得过早会减小自己的选择范围。
I have seen this happen over and over. 我常常看到这样的事情发生:
Women rarely make one big decision to leave the workforce. 女性很少会痛下决心离开职场;
Instead, they make a lot of small decisions along the way, making accommodations and sacrifices that they believe will be required to have a family. 相反,她们一直以来总是要做很多微小的决定,不断妥协和牺牲,同时深信这样做都是为了拥有一个更美满的家庭。
Of all the ways women hold themselves back, perhaps the most pervasive is that they leave before they leave. 在女性选择退缩的方式里,也许最普遍的就是“身还在,心已远”。
The classic scenario unfolds like this. 经典的情景是这样的:
An ambitious and successful woman heads down a challenging career path with the thought of having children in the back of her mind. 一个雄心勃勃、小有成就的女性走在充满挑战的职业道路上,内心却在想着要一个孩子。
At some point, this thought moves to the front of her mind, typically once she finds a partner. 在某种情况下,这种想法还会冲到她眼前,尤其是在她找到伴侣时。
The woman considers how hard she is working and reasons that to make room for a child she will have to scale back. 她会想到自己的工作那么辛苦,由此推论:准备要孩子就必须减少对工作的投入。
A law associate might decide not to shoot for partner because someday she hopes to have a family. 一位律师助理也许不再为成为合伙人而努力;
A teacher might pass on leading curriculum development for her school. 一位老师也许不再会在学校里带头进行课程开发;
A sales representative might take a smaller territory or not apply for a management role. 一位销售代表也许会选择一个更小的销售区域,或压根儿不去申请管理职位。