向前一步:第133期 不要身还在 心已远(7)(在线收听

 Priti accepted our offer. 乔克西接受了我的邀请。

By the time she started at Facebook, she was already expecting. 加入脸谱后,她就已经怀孕了。
Eight months later, she had her baby, took four months off, and came back to a job she loved. 八个月后,她生下了自己的孩子,休息了4个月后,她又回来继续做这份她热爱的工作。
She later told me that if I had not raised the topic, she would have turned us down. 后来她如实告诉我,如果当初我没有提到这个问题,她可能会立刻拒绝我的工作邀请。
Like so many women, Caroline O'Connor believed that someday she'd have to choose between career and family. 卡洛琳娜·奥康纳和许多女性一样,认为自己有一天必须在事业和家庭之间做出选择。
That day came sooner than she expected. 那天来得比她预料得早。
Caroline was finishing up at Stanford's Institute of Design when she was offered the chance to start a company at the same time that she learned she was pregnant. 卡洛琳娜在斯坦福大学设计学院工作的时候,得到了一个创建新公司的机会,但这时她发现自己怀孕了。
Her knee-jerk reaction was to think that she could not do both. 她下意识地认为鱼和熊掌不可兼得,
But then she decided to question this assumption. 但她决定质疑一下这个假设。
"I began thinking of my dilemma as I would a design challenge," O'Connor wrote. “我开始把面临的两难选择看作是一个设计上的难题。”奥康纳写道,
"Rather than accepting that launching a successful start-up and having a baby are utterly incompatible, “我没有武断地认为创业和生孩子之间是完全冲突的,
I framed it as a question and then set about using tools I've developed as a designer to begin forming an answer." 而是把它设定为一个命题,然后运用设计思路来寻找答案。”
O'Connor gathered data from dozens of mothers about their experiences and coping mechanisms. 之后,奥康纳收集了数十位母亲的经验之谈和应对办法。
She did fieldwork on sleep deprivation by taking a night shift with foster infants. 她亲身考察了女性在夜里照看孩子导致睡眠缺乏的情况,
She concluded that with a team culture that drew support from her husband and friends, it would be possible to proceed with both. 得出的结论是:如果从丈夫和朋友那里获取支持,采取“团队作业”的话,问题是可以解决的。
O'Connor now refers to herself as "a career-loving parent," a nice alternative to "working mom." 奥康纳现在称自己是一位“热爱事业的母亲”。和“上班族妈妈”相比,这是个更受欢迎的说法。