新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/26(在线收听


Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi

Coming up:

--China and the EU stand Against Trade Protectionism

--Harley, stung by tariffs, shifts some production overseas

--US defense secretary Jim Mattis visits China

For more on this, CRI's Suyi earlier spoke with Einar Tangen,author and columnist;Michael R. Powers, Zurich Insurance Group Professor of risk and finance at Tsinghua university, and Liu Baocheng;professor at the University of International Business and Economics spoke with Zhaoyang;Victor Gao, chairman of China Energy Security Institute; Vice president of Center for China and Globalization;Jiang Shixue, Professor and Director of the center for latin American studies , shanghai university spoke with Zhaoying
