科学美国人60秒 SSS X射线可能照射到一些可居住外行星区域(在线收听

Some Habitable Zone Exoplanets May Get X-Rayed Out X射线可能照射到一些可居住外行星区域

As astronomers hunt for habitable, Earth-like worlds, one popular place to look is around M stars, a type of red dwarf. Couple reasons for that:


"First of all most of the stars in our galaxy are like that." Eike Guenther is an astronomer at the Thüringer State Observatory in Germany. "And secondly the closest stars to us are like this. And thirdly, it's relatively easy to find planets around them which have a low mass or small diameter."

“首先,我们星系中的大多数恒星都是这样的。”Eike Guenther是德国图林根州立天文台的天文学家。他说,“其次,对我们来说,最接近的恒星就是这样的;第三,找到它们周围的质量较小或者直径较小的行星比较容易。”

M stars are smaller and fainter than our Sun. Meaning the zone around them where liquid water could exist—the habitable zone—is really close in. And in that region around the star it’s also easier to spot small exoplanets, with current techniques.


A few months back, Guenther had his telescope trained on an M star 16 light-years away, known as AD Leonis, when he spotted a huge stellar flare. A Neptune-sized giant exoplanet lurking around the star appears to have survived unscathed. But the event inspired Guenther and his team to ask how that huge flare would have affected a hypothetical Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting the star. So they ran a computer simulation.


The result? The shower of X-rays, thousands of times stronger than what the Sun unleashes on the Earth, would have blasted away much of the imaginary exoplanet's protective ozone. And multiple such flare events would be disastrous for life as we know it.


"So this analog, of taking the Earth, and saying, 'Ok, we put it in the habitable zone, and that's how a habitable planet looks like’—that's presumably wrong. One now has to consider these very energetic events that change the properties of the atmospheres of the other planets."

“所以,拿地球打个比方说:'好吧,我们把它放在可居住的地区,这就是一个可居住的星球的样子' ——这大概是错误的。现在我们必须考虑这些非常有活力的事件,其他星球大气层的特性”。

He presented the observations at the recent European Week of Astronomy and Space Science conference in Liverpool.


Guenther says, if anything, this finding makes the weird planets hugging M-stars even more intriguing, in terms of planetary diversity. "I would say… keep looking!"


NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS, is set to launch April 16th… if all goes well… it'll soon be looking too.

