听歌学英语:伤口 Stitches(在线收听

I thought that I've been hurt before我自认也曾受伤心碎
But no one's ever left me quite this sore但从未有人让我如此痛苦
Your words cut deeper than a knife你的话语比刀更利
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life现在,谁来救救我
Got a feeling that I'm going under像是跌入无底深渊
But I know that I'll make it out alive但我知道我会起死回生
If I quit calling you my lover如果不在把你当爱人
Move on向前看
You watch me bleed until I can't breathe, shaking你眼睁睁看我流血窒息颤抖不止
Falling onto my knees跪倒在地
And now that I'm without your kisses如今我已不再有你的吻相伴
I'll be needing stitches我需要缝合我的伤口
Tripping over myself, aching被自己绊倒,痛苦地
Begging you to come help央求你来帮我
And now that I'm without your kisses而今我已不再有你的吻相伴
I'll be needing stitches我需要缝合我的伤口
Just like a moth drawn to a flame如同飞蛾扑火般
Oh, you lured me in I couldn't sense the pain我被你迷惑,对潜在的痛苦视而不见
Your bitter heart, cold to the touch你心如石木
Now I'm gonna reap what I sow如今我得苦果自食
I'm left seeing red on my own只能自怨自艾
Got a feeling that I'm going under像是跌入无底深渊
But I know that I'll make it out alive我知道我终将生还
If I quit calling you my lover如果我不再唤你作爱人
Move on向前看
You watch me bleed until I can't breathe, shaking你眼睁睁看我失血颤抖
Falling onto my knees跪倒在地
And now that I'm without your kisses如今我已不再有你的吻相伴
I'll be needing stitches我需要缝合我的伤口
Tripping over myself, aching被自己绊倒
Begging you to come help痛苦地央求你来帮我
And now that I'm without your kisses而今我已不再有你的吻相伴
I'll be needing stitches我需要缝合我的伤口
Needle and the thread一针一线
Gotta get you out of my head将你赶出我脑海/忘却你
Needle and the thread一针一线
Gonna wind up dead生不如死
Needle and the thread一针一线
Gotta get you out of my head将你赶出我脑海
Needle and the thread一针一线
Gonna wind up dead生不如死
Needle and the thread一针一线
Gotta get you out of my head将你赶出我脑海/忘却你
Needle and the thread一针又一线
Gonna wind up dead死而又复生
Needle and the thread一针又一线
Gotta get you out of my head,get you out of my head将你赶出我脑海,赶出去
You watch me bleed until I can't breathe, shaking你眼睁睁看我失血颤抖
Falling onto my knees颤抖着跪倒在地
And now that I'm without your kisses如今我已不再有你的吻相伴
I'll be needing stitches我需要缝合我的伤口
Tripping over myself, aching被自己绊倒
Begging you to come help痛苦地央求你来帮我
And now that I'm without your kisses而今我已不再有你的吻相伴
I'll be needing stitches我需要缝合我的伤口
Now I'm without your kisses而今我已不再有你的吻相伴
I'll be needing stitches我需要缝合我的伤口
Now without your kisses而今我已不再有你的吻相伴
I'll be needing stitches我需要缝合我的伤口

n 一针;缝;肋部突然的疼痛(多由奔跑或笑引起);岔气
He had to have ten stitches in his head.他头上不得不缝了十针。
The cut needed eight stitches. 这道伤口需要缝八针。
The design can be worked in cross stitch.这个图案可以用十字针法绣出来。
Purl and plain are the two main stitches in knitting.反针和平针是编织中的两种主要织法。
Can we slow down? I've got a stitch. 我们慢一点好不好?我岔气了。

in stitches(informal) 大笑不止;捧腹大笑 laughing a lot
The play had us in stitches . 那出戏让我们笑得前仰后合。
Her jokes had us all in stitches.她的笑话让我们大家笑破了肚皮。
Here's a book that will have you in stitches.这是一本会让你笑破肚皮的书。

not have a stitch on=not be wearing a stitch (informal) 一丝不挂;赤裸

a stitch in time (saves nine) (saying) 及时缝一针能省九针;及时处理,事半功倍
A stitch in time saves nine 小洞不补大洞吃苦

v 缝补;缝合
Mary is stitching a bedsheet.玛丽在缝床罩。
The jersey has his name stitched across the back.运动服的背后缝着他的名字。
Her wedding dress was stitched by hand. 她的婚纱是手工缝制的。
The cut will need to be stitched. 这伤口需要缝合。

stitch up/together 缝合;办妥;做成
They've taken him off to hospital to stitch him up.他们已将他送到医院去缝合伤口了。
She stitched up the cut and left it to heal.她把伤口缝好让其愈合。
The deal was stitched up in minutes.那笔交易很快就谈成了。
They think they have the US market stitched up. 他们觉得美国市场已是万无一失。

stitch together 拼凑起来;组织起来
In ten years, they have been able to stitch together a national network of banks.他们用十年终于搭建起了一个全国性的银行网络。
An agreement was hastily stitched together (= made very quickly) . (他们之间)仓促间地达成了一项协议。
