
 What an intriguing group of individuals you are ... to a psychologist. 你们是多么有趣的一群人啊……当然,是对心理学家而言。

I've had the opportunity over the last couple of days  在过去几天里,我有机会
of listening in on some of your conversations and watching you interact with each other. 倾听你们的交谈,观察你们的互动。
And I think it's fair to say, already, that there are 47 people in this audience, at this moment, 我想我已经可以大胆地说,此时此刻,在你们中间,有47个人,
displaying psychological symptoms I would like to discuss today.  已经表现出了精神病症状,我今天就想聊聊这个。
And I thought you might like to know who you are.  我想你们都很想知道,到底是谁有精神病。
But instead of pointing at you, which would be gratuitous and intrusive, 我不会直接指出来,因为那样很没必要,也不礼貌,
I thought I would tell you a few facts and stories, in which you may catch a glimpse of yourself. 我会列举一些事实和情况,你们可以跟自己对照一下。
I'm in the field of research known as personality psychology,  我从事的是人格心理学研究,
which is part of a larger personality science which spans the full spectrum, from neurons to narratives. 它属于人格科学的范畴,人格科学的研究领域跨度很大,从神经元到叙述学。
And what we try to do, in our own way, is to make sense of how each of us - each of you 而我们的研究方向是用我们的方式来弄清楚,为什么我们每一个人——在座的每一位
is in certain respects, like all other people, like some other people and like no other person. 在某些方面跟其他所有人都一样,或者只跟部分人一样,或者跟谁都不一样。