
 So listen, all of the work I've shown you, the stuff that I've built that's all around me on this stage 听我说,我向你们展示的所有工作,我身边所有这些自己造出来的东西,

and the other projects my lab is involved in are all a direct result of me playing with your garbage.  还有我的实验室参与的其他项目,都是我玩转你们丢的垃圾的直接结果。
Play -- play is a key part of my scientific practice.  玩转——玩转是我科学实践的关键。
It's how I train my mind to be unconventional and to be creative and to decide to make human apple ears. 它能训练我的大脑突破常规,富有创意,让我决定制作人类的苹果耳朵。
So, the next time any of you are looking at some old, broken-down, malfunctioning, piece-of-crap technology,  所以,下一次当你们看到一些老旧的,破损的,不好用的,废铜烂铁一样的科技产品
I want you to think of me. Because I want it. 我希望你们能想起我。因为我需要它们。
So, seriously, please find any way to get in touch with me, and let's see what we can build. Thank you. 说真的,请想尽一切方法联系我,看看我们能造出什么东西。谢谢。