
 What's driving all that innovation? It's us. 是什么驱动了这些创新?是我们人类。

We're talking about energy. It's cool to talk about energy. 我们正在谈论能源。这听起来很酷炫。
Some folks are even talking about the problems with the limited resources where our current energy is coming from. 有一些人甚至在谈论当下能源紧张的问题。
We encourage our best and brightest to work on this issue -- better solar panels, better batteries, everything. 我们邀请我们当中最棒,最聪明的那批去解决这个问题。更加有效的太阳能板,更高能的电池。
So let's talk about where our drinking water is coming from, where our poo and pee are actually going. 现在让我们来讨论一下我们饮用水的来源吧,其实就是我们排泄物的去处。
If we can get over this discomfort with this entire topic,  如果我们能够克服对于谈论这个话题的不适,
we could create something that creates our future goldmine.  我们就能够创造出埋下未来金矿的东西。
Every time you flush the toilet, I want you to think, 每当你们冲马桶时,我都希望你们能够思考,
"Where is my poop and pee going? Will they be gainfully employed?" “我的排泄物们都去哪儿了?他们会被高价雇佣吗?”
"Or are they going to be wreaking havoc in some waterway?" “或者他们会在水道当中制造大动乱吗?”
And if you don't know, find out.  如果你们不清楚的话,就要去弄清楚。
And if you don't like the answer, figure out how you can communicate to those who can drive this change 当你们不喜爱答案的时候,就弄明白如何才能与管辖这件事的人联系上,
that you have advanced potty training, that you are ready for reuse.  就说你们掌握先进如厕技术,你们已经对于循环利用有充分准备。
How all of you feel is going to determine exactly how innovative we can be. Thank you so much. 你们所有人的感受将会决定我们究竟能多么富有创新精神。非常感谢。