听歌学英语:拍照片的你 Shutterbug(在线收听

I'll be the paint on the wall我可以是壁上的丹青
I'll be the rain in the fall我可以是秋季的细雨
I will be anything you want为你,我一切皆可啊
My shutterbug我的摄影师~
Snap the pics and capture all of my soul抓拍每个瞬间,捕捉我灵魂的点滴
Dimmer light in down lips are but in below
All your delicate touches你的指尖创造美丽的画作
Your vision's making me blush with你的眼神让我脸颊绯红,
precision making incisions all that I know我奋力展示我所知的每个美好瞬间

I'll be the paint on the wall我可以是壁上的丹青美作
I'll be the rain in the fall我可以是秋季的迷蒙细雨
I will be anything you want为你,我无所不能。
my shutterbug我的摄影师~
I'll be the clouds in blue skies我愿做蓝天里的白云
I'll be green grass in paradise也愿做天堂中的绿茵
I will be anything you want我愿为你付出一切
my shutterbug我的摄影师~

I stay silent and keep my eyelids open镜中我故作矜持,眼脸微张
Tell me to set up “give me”bumps up on my skin你却戏弄着把我变成生气的模样
Too short to make it fancies start可惜一切太短,幻想只是一时
Can you play but can this我就任你如此调皮
Let's fun with me让我们肆意狂欢
Just let the dream begin放飞梦想

I'll be the paint on the wall我可以是壁上的丹青美作
I'll be the rain in the fall我也可以是秋天的迷蒙细雨
I will be anything you want为你,我都愿意
my shutterbug我的摄影师啊~
I'll be the clouds in blue skies我愿做天上的白云
I'll be green grass in paradise我愿做天堂的绿茵
I will be anything you want为你,我都愿意
my shutterbug我的摄影师啊~
I'll be the paint on the wall我可以是壁上的丹青美作
I'll be the rain in the fall我可以是秋天的迷蒙细雨
I will be anything you want为你,千千万万遍~
my shutterbug我的摄影师啊~
I'll be the clouds in blue skies我愿做天上的白云
I'll be green grass in paradise我愿做天堂的绿茵
I will be anything you want为你,我无所不可
I will be anything you want为你,我都愿意
I will be anything you want为你,千千万万遍
my shutterbug我的摄影师啊~
my shutterbug我的摄影师啊啊~
my shutterbug我的摄影师啊啊啊~
my shutterbug我可爱的男朋友啊啊~

1. shutterbug  a person who enjoys taking photographs and takes a lot of them, but who is not a professional photographer摄影爱好者;
(shutter,  快门;百叶窗 )
ladybug n. 瓢虫
firebug: an arsonist (a person who deliberately sets fire to property 纵火者)

1. n an illness that people catch very easily from each other but is not very serious. 病 , 轻微的传染病
There's a stomach bug going round (= people are catching it from each other) . 现在流行一种肠胃传染病。
I picked up a bug in the office. 我在办公室被传染了疾病。
He's off work with a stomuch bug.他胃不舒服没有上班。
I think I've got a bit of a stomach bug 我想我的胃可能出了点儿毛病。

2. a fault in a machine, especially in a computer system or program(机器,尤指计算机的) 故障,程序错误,缺陷
There's a bug in the software.那个软件还存在一个问题。

3. the… bug
a sudden interest in doing somethingh突然热衷...;着迷...
She was never interested in fitness before but now she's been bitten by the bug . 她以前从来不在乎健身,现在她却着了迷。
She's got the travel bug.她迷上了旅游。
I had one flying lesson and immediately caught the bug我上了一节飞行课,马上就着了迷。

4. 窃听器
a small hidden device for listening to other people's conversations

5. bug as a verb动词用法:
to annoy or irritate sb (informal) 使烦恼;使恼怒
Stop bugging me! 别烦我了!
That thing has been bugging me a lot recently. 那事使我最近一直大伤脑筋。
It just bugs me that I have to work so many extra hours for no extra money.要加班那么长的时间,却拿不到分文加班费,这使我很恼火。
I only did it to bug my parents.我这么做只是为了让我父母心烦。
6. to put a special device (= a bug ) somewhere in order to listen secretly to other people's conversations 在(某处)装窃听器;窃听(谈话)
They bugged her hotel room. 他们在她的旅馆房间里装了窃听器。
They were bugging his telephone conversations. 他们在窃听他的电话交谈。
Do you think the room is bugged?你觉得这房间装了窃听器吗?
