
 TED演讲(MP3+双语字幕) 第7期:银行是如何被掏空的(1)So today's top chef class is in how to rob a bank, and it's clear that the general public needs guidance, because the average bank robbery nets. 今天的“顶级大厨”寓教于食,揭秘怎么抢银行,显然,大众对这个外行。 因为一般的劫匪抢一次银行.

Only 7,500 dollars, Rank amateurs who know nothing about how to cook the books.  平均只能抢到区区7500刀,这是完全不懂做假帐的业余会计的水平。
The folks who know, of course, run our largest banks,and in the last go-around,they cost us over 11 trillion dollars.  当然,懂行的专业人士全是大银行的头头们,上次他们出手,我们损失11万亿刀。
That's what 11 trillion looks like. That's how many zeros? And cost us over 10 million jobs as well.  11万亿看起来是酱紫的。数数多少个0?还让我们损失1000万个工作岗位。
So our task is to educate ourselves so that we can understand why we have these recurrent,intensifying financial crises,and how we can prevent them in the future. 所以我们的当务之急是好好学习,长长见识,搞清楚金融危机一再出现并且愈演愈烈的原因,以及未来如何防范。
And the answer to that is that we have to stop epidemics of control fraud. 答案就是我们需要制止大面积的管理欺诈行为。
Control fraud is what happens when the people who control,typically a CEO,a seemingly legitimate entity,use it as a weapon to defraud.  何为管理欺诈?管理人员,通常是CEO在管理一个貌似合法的金融机构时,把这个机构当成武器来使,搞诈骗。
And these are the weapons of mass destruction in the financial world.  这些算是金融界的大规模杀伤性武器。
They also follow in finance a particular strategy,because the weapon of choice in finance is accounting,and there is a recipe for accounting control fraud, and how it occurs.  在金融领域,他们还采取一种特定的策略,因为他们所使用的武器是会计,这是金融领域的不二之选。会计管理欺诈行为及其发生都有固定的“套路”。
And we discovered this recipe in quite an odd way that I'll come back to in a moment.  我们发现这一点也是不期而然。我稍后再谈。
First ingredient in the recipe: grow like crazy;  这一套路不可缺少的“原料”:首先是疯狂地膨胀扩张。
Second, by making or buying really crappy loans, but loans that are made at a very high interest rate or yield;  其次是放出或者购买“垃圾贷款”,不过这种贷款的利率或者收益非常之高。
Three, while employing extreme leverage that just means a lot of debt compared to your equity; 第三,大肆利用金融杠杆,也就是相对于资产而言不成比例的大量债务。
And four, while providing only trivial loss reserves against the inevitable losses. 第四,为应对必然发生的坏账提供少之又少的准备金。
If you follow those four simple steps,and any bank can follow them,then you are mathematically guaranteed to have three things occur. 只要遵循这四个简单的步骤,任何银行都做得到,就会确定无疑地出现以下三种情况。
The first thing is you will report record bank profits not just high, record. 第一,银行的账面利润将会是史无前例的高不是一般的高,是史无前例的高。
Two, the CEO will immediately be made incredibly wealthy by modern executive compensation. 第二,鉴于现代的高管薪酬结构,CEO会一夜暴富。
And three, farther down the road,the bank will suffer catastrophic losses and will fail unless it is bailed out. 第三,长此以往银行就会遭受巨额损失,除非获得救助,不然就将倒闭。
And that's a hint as to how we discovered this recipe,because we discovered it through an autopsy process.  因为我们对整个流程进行了“解剖”。顺藤摸瓜我们才发现了这个固定的套路。