
 And therefore, we have zero prosecutions, and of course, zero convictions,of any of the elite bank frauds, the Wall Street types, that drove this crisis.  因而,造成这场危机的华尔街顶尖银行诈骗犯们,没有一个被起诉,没有一个被定罪。

With no expertise coming from the regulators,  监管机构不愿伸出援手,
the FBI formed what it calls a partnership with the Mortgage Bankers Association in 2007.  联邦调查局2007年与抵押贷款银行家协会携起手来。
The Mortgage Bankers Association is the trade association of the perps.  抵押贷款银行家协会是这些祸首的行业组织。
And the Mortgage Bankers Association set out, it had the audacity and the success to con the FBI.  抵押贷款银行家协会出手了,他们不仅有能力也有动机去欺骗联邦调查局。
It had created a supposed definition of mortgage fraud, in which, guess what,  抵押贷款银行家协会为抵押欺诈行为 下了个定义,不出所料,按照这个定义,
its members are always the victim and never the perpetrators.  这个协会的成员都是欺诈行为的受害者没一个是欺诈行为的加害者。
And the FBI has bought this hook, line, sinker, rod, reel and the boat they rode out in. 联邦调查局不疑有他照单全收。
And so the FBI, under the leadership of an attorney general who is African-American 就这样,在一个非裔司法部长和一个非裔美国总统的
and a president of the United States who is African-American, have adopted the Tea Party definition of the crisis 领导之下,联邦调查局完全相信了,茶党对这场危机的说辞
in which it is the first virgin crisis in history, conceived without sin in the executive ranks.  成了破天荒的“圣女生子案”,高管层人人清白。
And it's those oh-so-clever hairdressers who were able to defraud the poor, pitiful banks,who lack any financial sophistication. 问题出在狡猾的临时工身上,他们在欺骗穷人,他们在欺骗对金融行业一无所知的银行业者。
It is the silliest story you can conceive of, and so they go and they prosecute the hairdressers, and they leave the banksters alone entirely.  这简直是最奇葩的谎话,然后他们把临时工抓起来了,银行家们毫发未损。
And so, while lions are roaming the campsite, the FBI is chasing mice.  就这样,满地西瓜,联邦调查局却在那里捡芝麻。
What do we need to do? What can we do in all of this?  我们该怎么办?面对这一切,我们能做什么?
We need to change the perverse incentive structures that produce these recurrent epidemics 我们需要改革不正常的激励机制,正是这种机制在催生一再出现的大面积
of accounting control fraud that are driving our crises.  会计管理欺诈行为,进而导致危机的发生。
So we have to first get rid of the systemically dangerous institutions. These are the so-called too-big-to-fail institutions.  第一,我们要排除这种具有系统性危险的金融机构。所谓尾大不掉的金融机构。