
 And they are really complex and they can seem really far off, that the temptation may be to do this:  这些问题确实相当复杂,又似乎离我们很遥远,这就诱使我们这样做:

bury our heads in the sand and not think about it.  把头埋进沙子里而不去想这件事。
Resist this, if you can. Don't do this at home.  千万不要在家里做这个。
But it makes me wonder if the investment rules of today are fit for purpose tomorrow. 但同时我也在想,当前的投资规则是否真的适用于将来。
We know that investors, when they look at a company and decide whether to invest,  我们知道当投资者们观察一家公司并决定是否进行投资时,
they look at financial data, metrics like sales growth, cash flow, market share, ]valuation-you know, the really sexy stuff.  他们会关注那些财务数据,例如销售增长、现金流量、市场份额及资产估值等指标,就是那些很“性感”的东西。
And these things are fundamental, of course, but they're not enough.  这些东西当然是最基本的,但还不够,
Investors should also look at performance metrics in what we call ESG: environment, social and governance.  投资者们还应关注另一方面的绩效指标,就是我们称为ESG的方面:(E)环境、 (S)社会和(G)管理。
Environment includes energy consumption, water availability, waste and pollution, just making efficient uses of resources.  环境包括能源消耗、水的供应、垃圾和污染,指的是对资源的有效使用。
Social includes human capital, things like employee engagement and innovation capacity,  社会包括人力资本,比如员工的积极性和创新能力,
as well as supply chain management and labor rights and human rights.  以及供应链管理,劳动权和人权。
And governance relates to the oversight of companies by their boards and investors.  而管理则代表董事会和投资人对公司的监督。
See, I told you this is the really juicy stuff.  瞧,我说过这是真正有意思的东西。
But ESG is the measure of sustainability, ESG and sustainable investing incorporates ESG factors with financial factors into the investment process. 是用来衡量可持续性的,而可持续性投资应当把ESG因素与金融因素融合到投资过程中去。