
 This is Manuru. When his father died,  这是Manuru。当他父亲死的时候,

his uncle trafficked him to work with him in the mines.  他的叔叔把他卖到自己在工作的这个矿场。
When his uncle died, Manuru inherited his uncle's debt,  在他叔叔死后,Manuru要继续背负他叔叔的欠债,
which further forced him into being enslaved in the mines.  他被迫继续在矿场工作。
When I met him, he had been working in the mines for 14 years, and the leg injury that you see here is actually from a mining accident, 我见到他时,他已在矿场工作了14年照片中看到的这个腿伤是在一次凿矿意外中造成的,
one so severe doctors say his leg should be amputated.  当时情况危急,医生说要截肢。
On top of that, Manuru has tuberculosis,  除了这个伤以外他还患有肺结核,
yet he's still forced to work day in and day out in that mine shaft.  即使这样,他也必须每天在井下没日没夜的工作。
Even still, he has a dream that he will become free and become educated with the help of local activists like Free the Slaves, 即使如此,他也梦想着能够重获自由在Free the Slaves这样的组织帮助下接受教育,
and it's this sort of determination,  就是这样的信念,
in the face of unimaginable odds,  面对令人难以想象的苦难,
that fills me with complete awe.  让我充满敬畏。
I want to shine a light on slavery.  我希望我们给这些被奴隶的人一道光。
When I was working in the field,  当我在拍摄的途中,
I brought lots of candles with me,  我带了很多蜡烛,
and with the help of my interpreter,  在翻译的帮助下,
I imparted to the people I was photographing that I wanted to illuminate their stories and their plight, 我把蜡烛分给了我的拍摄对象,我希望能点亮他们的故事和他们的困境,
so when it was safe for them, and safe for me,  当我们都安全的时候,
I made these images.  我拍了这一系列的照片。
They knew their image would be seen by you out in the world. 他们知道这些影像会被外面的人看见。
I wanted them to know that we will be bearing witness to them, and that we will do whatever we can to help make a difference in their lives. 我想要让他们知道,我们将为他们作证,尽我们所能让他们的人生有所改变。