
 And this is a problem that a lot of gamers have. 同时这也是一个很多游戏玩家的难题。

We feel that we are not as good in reality as we are in games. 我们感觉自己无法像在游戏中一样适应现实生活。
And I don't mean just good as in successful,although that's part of it. 我不认为适应就是成功,二者不是等价的,纵然适应是成功的一部分。
We do achieve more in game worlds. But I also mean good as in motivated to do something that matters,inspired to collaborate and to cooperate. 我们确实在游戏世界中收获更多的成功,但是这里所说的适应,就是指去做紧要事情的内在动力、激起合作的灵感以及协作。
And when we're in game worlds. 当我们处于游戏世界时。
I believe that many of us become the best version of ourselves, the most likely to help at a moment's notice,the most likely to stick with a problem as long at it takes, to get up after failure and try again. 我觉得我们可以做最好的自己,这时看到一个消息我们就会去帮助别人并且会持之以恒的解决一个问题,面对挫折我们会勇敢得站起来,并且继续奋斗。
And in real life, when we face failure,when we confront obstacles, we often don't feel that way. 但,在现实生活中,当我们面对失败的时候,当我们遭遇障碍的时候,我们通常就不会那么感觉了。
We feel overcome,we feel overwhelmed,we feel anxious, maybe depressed, frustrated or cynical. 我们通常会觉得,很压抑、不知所措、不知所措、焦虑,甚至沮丧、灰心或者愤世嫉俗。
We never have those feelings when we're playing games,they just don't exist in games. 这个时候我们就没有玩游戏那个时候的感受了,在游戏中就不会存在这些感觉。
So, that's what I wanted to study when I was a graduate student. 这就是我在读研究生时研究的东西,这就是我在读研究生时研究的东西。
What about games makes it impossible to feel that we can't achieve everything? 游戏能否让我们觉得,做不成任何事情是不可能的呢?
How can we take those feelings from games and apply them to real-world work? 我们怎么才能把从游戏中获得的这种感觉,转移到现实社会的工作中呢?
So, I looked at games like World of Warcraft,which is really the ideal collaborative problem-solving environment. 因此,我研究了一些像《魔兽世界》这样的游戏,它们正是理想的解决协作问题的平台。
And I started to notice a few things that make epic wins so possible in online worlds. 我注意到一些事情,正是这些事情让史诗般的胜利在网络游戏里面变得可能。
So, the first thing is whenever you show up in one of these online games,especially in World of Warcraft,there are lots and lots of different characters who are willing to trust you with a world-saving mission, right away. 第一件事情是,无论何时当你出现在这些网络游戏里面的时候,特别是《魔兽世界》,游戏里面会有很多不同的角色,他们对你非常信任,并且会帮助你完成拯救世界的任务。
But not just any mission, it's a mission that is perfectly matched with your current level in the game. Right? 但并不是所有的任务都是这样,而仅仅是那些完全匹配你当前等级的任务?
So, you can do it. 因此,你有能力去完成它。
They never give you a challenge that you can't achieve. 设计者不会给你一个就你当前的能力完成不了的任务。
But it is on the verge of what you're capable of. So, you have to try hard,but there's no unemployment in World of Warcraft. 但完成这个任务需要发挥你能力的极限,因此,你必须尽你最大努力,在魔兽世界里人人都有自己的职位。
There is no sitting around wringing your hands,there's always something specific and important to be done. 那里没有观众,那里一直有一些非常特别并且很重要的事情等着你去完成。