
 The average young person today in a country with a strong gamer culture will have spent 10,000 hours playing online games by the age of 21. 在一个玩游戏氛围很强的国家,当今的年轻人在其21岁前,平均每人花费在网络游戏上的时间可达10000小时。

Now 10,000 hours is a really interesting number for two reasons. 现在,一万小时是一个很有趣的数值主要是因为有两个原因。
First of all, for children in the United States 10,080 hours is the exact amount of time you will spend in school from fifth grade to high school graduation if you have perfect attendance. 首先,美国的儿童,从五年级到高中毕业所需要的时间就是10080个小时,当然你得表现良好(按时上课,出勤)。
So, we have an entire parallel track of education going on where young people are learning as much about what it takes to be a good gamer as they are learning about everything else in school. 我们就有了一份并行跟踪教育的数据,它显示:年轻人做一个好的游戏玩家所花费的时间与他们在学校里面学习知识所用的时间是一样多的。
And some of you have probably read Malcolm Gladwell's new book Outliers. 你们当中的有些人肯定读过MalcomGladwell的新书《局外人》。
So, you would have heard of his theory of success,the 10,000 hour theory of success. 因此你们对作者关于成功理论的见解也就不是那么陌生了,一万小时成功法则。
It's based on this great cognitive science research that if we can master 10,000 hours of effortful study at anything by the age of 21, we will be virtuosos at it. 这个法则是基于认知科学研究的,如果我们在21岁前能花费10000小时,专心努力的学习或者是做一些其他的事情,那么我们一定可以在这些事情上获得巨大成功。
We will be as good at whatever we do as the greatest people in the world. 我们将在我们所做的任何事情上成为世界级专家。
And so, now what we're looking at is an entire generation of young people who are virtuoso gamers. 现在,我们所关注的就是擅长游戏的整整一代年轻人。
So, the big question is,What exactly are gamers getting so good at? 最大的问题就是“这些游戏玩家擅长于做些什么?”
Because if we could figure that out,we would have a virtually unprecedented human resource on our hands. 如果我们能给出答案,我们将会发掘出一个史无前例的人力资源。
This is how many people we now have in the world who spend at least an hour a day playing online games. 他们就是我们现在所拥有的那些,每天花费至少一小时去玩网络游戏的游戏玩家们。
These are our virtuoso gamers,500 million people who are extraordinarily good at something. 他们都是技艺精湛的游戏高手,5亿擅长于某些事情的人。
And in the next decade we're going to have another billion gamers who are extraordinarily good at whatever that is. 在接下来的十年里又会有10亿多擅长于某个领域的新游戏玩家加入进来。
If you don't know it already, this is coming. 如果闻所未闻,那么我告诉你,这件事正在进行。