
 Fear of law enforcement makes them work alone in isolated locations,  对制定法律的恐惧,让她们在僻静的角落孤独的工作

and allows clients and even cops to get abusive in the knowledge they'll get away with it. 遭受客人们甚至警察的虐待,因为他们可以逍遥法外。
Fines and criminal records force people to keep selling sex, rather than enabling them to stop. 罚款和犯罪记录逼迫她们不停地卖淫,而不是阻止她们。
Crackdowns on buyers drive sellers to take dangerous risks and into the arms of potentially abusive managers. 针对买春者的打击行动反而增加了卖春者受虐待的风险,并助长了第三方产业。
These laws also reinforce stigma and hatred against sex workers.  法律也将对性工作者的耻辱和仇恨钉在大家心中。
When France temporarily brought in the Swedish model two years ago,  当两年前法国引入瑞典模型时
ordinary citizens took it as a cue to start carrying out vigilante attacks against people working on the street. 民众纷纷受到影响,举行一系列的民众抗争,抵制街头工作的性工作者。
In Sweden, opinion surveys show  在瑞典民意调查显示
that significantly more people want sex workers to be arrested now than before the law was brought in. 在相关法律实施以后,更多的人希望性工作者被逮捕。
If prohibition is this harmful, you might ask, why it so popular? 如果禁令如此有害,你也许会问为什么它这么受欢迎?
Firstly, sex work is and always has been a survival strategy for all kinds of unpopular minority groups: 首先,性工作从古至今一直是不受欢迎的少数群体的生存策略。
people of color, migrants, people with disabilities, LGBTQ people, particularly trans women. 包括有色人种,移民,残障人士,同性恋泛性恋人群,尤其是人妖。
These are the groups most heavily profiled and punished through prohibitionist law. 这些人是受到卖淫管制的,针对和惩罚最严重的。
I don't think this is an accident.  我不认为这是巧合。
These laws have political support precisely because they target people that voters don't want to see or know about. 这些法律背后都有特定的政治支持,因为他们就是针对选民所不喜欢看到或知道的人。
Why else might people support prohibition?  还有民众支持禁止卖淫的原因么?
Well, lots of people have understandable fears about trafficking.  很多人对,贩卖人口有无可厚非的恐惧。
Folks think that foreign women kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery can be saved by shutting a whole industry down. 民众认为如果整个卖淫产业被禁止,外国女人就不会被绑架和作为性奴隶进行买卖。
So let's talk about trafficking.  所以我们谈谈人口买卖。