
 This period, though, was also marked by widespread nonviolent organizing 然而,这个时期也同样充斥着非暴力的组织形式

in the forms of strikes, sit-ins and the creation of parallel institutions. 罢工、静坐及平行组织的其他活动
During the First Intifada, whole sectors of the Palestinian civilian population mobilized, 在大起义期间,所有的巴基斯坦民族都动员起来
cutting across generations, factions and class lines. 跨越了世代、派系和阶级的界限
They did this through networks of popular committees, 他们通过人民委员会网络实现这一切
and their use of direct action and communal self-help projects 他们对直接行动和社区自助项目的运用
challenged Israel's very ability to continue ruling the West Bank and Gaza. 直接挑战了以色列持续统治西岸和加沙的能力
According to the Israeli Army itself, 根据以色列军队自己的说法
97 percent of activities during the First Intifada were unarmed. 大起义期间,百分之97的活动是没有武装的
And here's another thing that is not part of our narrative about that time. 还有一件事情是谈论那个世代时没有提到的
For 18 months in the Intifada, women were the ones calling the shots behind the scenes: 大起义间的18个月,女人们在幕后发号施令
Palestinian women from all walks of life 来自各个阶层的巴基斯坦女人
in charge of mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people in a concerted effort to withdraw consent from the occupation. 负责动员成千上万的人共同努力从占领撤回统一
Naela Ayyash, who strived to build a self-sufficient Palestinian economy Naela Ayyash力求通过鼓励加沙的女人在后院种植蔬菜
by encouraging women in Gaza to grow vegetables in their backyards, 建立一个自足的巴基斯坦经济
an activity deemed illegal by the Israeli authorities at that time; 这项活动被当时的以色列政府视为非法
Rabeha Diab, who took over decision-making authority for the entire uprising Rabeha Diab在负责运行整个起义的男人被驱逐后
when the men who had been running it were deported; 扛起了指定决策的大旗
Fatima Al Jaafari, who swallowed leaflets containing the uprising's directives Fatima AL Jaafari吞下含有起义指令的传单
in order to spread them across the territories without getting caught; 以免在穿越整个领土传递的时候被抓到
and Zahira Kamal, who ensured the longevity of the uprising by leading an organization that went from 25 women to 3,000 in a single year. 还有Zahira kamal,她通过领导一个在仅仅一年间人数从25位女人增长到3000的组织,保证了起义的长期进行。