乔布斯传 第451期:回到未来(9)(在线收听

   Lee Clow was preparing a series of colorful magazine ads, 李·克旁正在准备一系列彩色的杂志广告,

  and when he sent Jobs the page proofs he got an outraged phone call in response. 他给乔布斯发了一些排版后的打样,很快便接到了乔布斯怒气冲冲的电话。
  The blue in the ad, Jobs insisted, was different from that of the iMac. 乔布斯坚持说广告中的蓝色和他们挑出来的iMac照片上的蓝色不一致。
  "You guys don't know what you're doing!" Jobs shouted. “你们这帮家伙不知道自己在千什么,”乔布斯嚷道,
  "I'm going to get someone else to do the ads, because this is fucked up." “我要另找别人做这个广告,因为你们把它给毁了。”
  Clow argued back. "Compare them," he said. 克劳反驳道:“你再去比比看。”
  Jobs, who was not in the office, insisted he was right and continued to shout. 乔布斯根本不在办公室里,却一直坚称自己是对的,而且不停地喊叫。
  Eventually Clow got him to sit down with the original photographs. 最后,克劳让他冷静地坐下来,再对比一下原始的照片。
  "I finally proved to him that the blue was the blue was the blue." “我最终向他证明了这个蓝色就是他要的那个蓝色。”
  Years later, on a Steve Jobs discussion board on the website Gawker, 几年之后,在Gawker网的“史蒂夫·乔布斯讨论区”里冒出来一个帖子,
  the following tale appeared from someone who had worked at the Whole Foods store in Palo Alto a few blocks from Jobs's home: 发帖人曾经在加州帕洛奥图的全食超市工作,这家超市离乔布斯的住宅只隔几个街区。
  "I was shagging carts one afternoon when I saw this silver Mercedes parked in a handicapped spot. 帖子写道:“一天下午,我正在整理购物车,看到一辆银色的奔驰停在残疾人停车位上。
  Steve Jobs was inside screaming at his car phone. 史蒂夫·乔布斯正在车里对着他的车载电话大喊大叫。
  This was right before the first iMac was unveiled and I'm pretty sure I could make out, 'Not. Fucking. Blue. Enough!!!'" 当时正值第一代iMac发布之前,所以我肯定没有听错,他在大喊:‘去他妈的!不够蓝!!!’”