
   As we continued walking, we visited many of the places that the previous speakers talked about the Confucian tradition 我们继续赶路,参观了许多地方。前面的发言者们谈到儒家传统,

  which is so important I think to help people understand what China is about and where those traditions come from, 我想儒家思想非常重要,它能帮助人们了解中国以及那些传统的来源,
  just as much as trying to understand European civilization without understanding the importance of the Greek philosophers, 就像试图理解欧洲文明就不能不了解希腊哲学家,
  Socrates, Aristoteles, Plato, all the Christian religion in that part of our culture development. Confucius is critical. 如苏格拉底、亚里士多德和柏拉图以及基督教在我们的文化发展中的重要性。孔子至关重要。
  And so when we were in Qufu, and we actually saw the place where he was born, 当我们在曲阜的时候,我们看到了孔子出生的地方,
  the beds where he was raised and the place where he was finally laid to rest. 长大的地方和他最后安息的地方。
  We began to understand the importance which is put not on self, but on others. 我们开始认识到儒家思想注重的不是自我,而是别人。
  And this was important to remember. 记住这一点很重要。
  It was this drive to serve others, to work hard to be good for others, which was a really important lesson to learn. 积极为他人服务,努力为他人带来福祉,这是我们学到的重要一课。
  Everywhere we went, as we walked through small villages, 我们四处走走看看,穿过各个小村庄,
  often at the end of a hard day of walk, Xuelin and I would wonder where we were staying 常常在一天辛苦的徒步结束后,我和雪琳会思考接下来要待在哪里,
  and we were going to search some dumplings or some tea in the local market square. 我们会在当地市场的广场上找地方吃饺子或喝茶。