
   While there was certainly the acute pain of the encounter, 尽管这样的遭遇让人极度痛苦,但问题的关键在于,

  the real issue is that my appearance can tell anyone anything about my ability. 我的出现能让大家看到我的能力。
  Beyond that, though, it underscores that the women of color in STEM 除此之外,值得注意的一点是,在STEM领域工作的非白人女性所遭遇到的阻碍,
  do not experience the same set of barriers that just women or just people of color face. 比单纯的女性或者单纯的有色人种要大得多。
  That's why today I want to highlight women of color in STEM, 正因为此,我今天才想要特别说说她们,
  who are inexorably, unapologetically living as the inseparable sum of identities. 她们因为自己的多重身份而遭歧视,无法避免,亦被认为理所应当。
  STEM itself is an intersectional term, STEM本身就是个交叉领域,
  such that its true richness cannot be appreciated without considering the liminal space between disciplines. 要感受它的丰富内涵,需要充分理解学科间的交叉。
  Science, the pursuit of understanding the physical world by way of chemistry, physics, biology, 科学追求的是理解物理世界,采取的方式是化学、物理、生物,
  cannot be accomplished in the absence of mathematics. 当然也少不了数学的帮助。
  Engineering requires the application of basic science and math to the lived experience. 工程学需要将基本的科学和数学知识,应用到生活领域。
  Technology sits firmly on the foundation of math, engineering and science. 技术则以数学、工程学和科学作为其坚实的基础。
  Math itself serves the critical role of Rosetta Stone, decoding and encoding the physical principles of the world. 数学则扮演着罗塞塔石碑的角色,承担着对物理原理的编码和解码工作。
  STEM is utterly incomplete without each individual piece. STEM各学科相辅相成,缺一不可。
  This is to say nothing of the enrichment that is realized when STEM is combined with other disciplines. 也就是说,当STEM与其它学科结合时,会迸发出无法想象的能量。