
   So, if you know someone struggling with depression, encourage them, gently, to seek out some of these options. 所以,如果你认识为抑郁症所苦的人温和地鼓励他,去寻求其中几项的帮助。

  You might even offer to help with specific tasks,  你甚至也可提供特别的协助,
  like looking up therapists in the area, or making a list of questions to ask a doctor. 像帮他找附近的治疗师或是列出一张要问医师问题的清单。
  To someone with depression, these first steps can seem insurmountable. 对抑郁症患者来说踏出寻求治疗的最初几步都可谓举步难难。
  If they feel guilty or ashamed, point out that depression is a medical condition, just like asthma or diabetes. 如果他们会觉得罪恶或羞耻的话,要点醒他们:抑郁是一种疾病,就像气喘或糖尿病。
  It's not a weakness or a personality trait,  它不是弱点或人格特质,
  and they shouldn't expect themselves to just get over it anymore than they could will themselves to get over a broken arm. 也不应该认为自己有办法熬过去,这正如不能光靠自己的意志力就治好手骨折一样。
  If you haven't experienced depression yourself, avoid comparing it to times you've felt down. 如果你没有得过抑郁症,要避免拿它来和自己失意时比较。
  Comparing what they're experiencing to normal, temporary feelings of sadness can make them feel guilty for struggling. 将他们的抑郁症和自己平常短暂的沮丧相比会让他们对挣扎有罪恶感。
  Even just talking about depression openly can help. 就算只是公开谈论抑郁症也会有帮助。
  For example, research shows that asking someone about suicidal thoughts actually reduces their suicide risk. 举例来说,研究显示问某人对自杀的看法真的可降低他们的自杀风险。
  Open conversations about mental illness help erode stigma and make it easier for people to ask for help. 公开谈论心理疾病可以削弱它的坏名声,让人们能更无拘束地去寻求协助。
  And the more patients seek treatment, the more scientists will learn about depression, and the better the treatments will get. 而就诊的病患越多,科学家对抑郁症的了解就越多,治疗方式就会越来越好。