
   Like the Greek system, changing the balance of these chemicals can deeply alter how we respond to even extremely difficult circumstances. 像希腊的体液系统理论,改变这些物质的平衡就可以,甚至可以深刻地影响到我们面对极端困难环境时的反应。

  There's also a long tradition of attempting to discern the value of sadness,  长久以来,我们不断地尝试去无视掉悲伤的价值,
  and in that discussion, you'll find a strong argument that sadness is not only an inevitable part of life but an essential one. 但在以下的讨论中你会发现,一个强有力的证据说悲伤不仅仅是生命中无法避免的一部分,而且还是不可或缺的一部分。
  If you've never felt melancholy, you've missed out on part of what it means to be human. 如果你从来没有感受过忧郁,那你已经失去了一部分作为人类的意义。
  Many thinkers contend that melancholy is necessary in gaining wisdom. 许多学者反映,长智商的必要条件之一是忧郁。
  Robert Burton, born in 1577, spent his life studying the causes and experience of sadness. 1577年出生的Robert Burton贡献了一生的时间研究悲伤的起因和过程。
  In his masterpiece "The Anatomy of Melancholy," Burton wrote, "He that increaseth wisdom increaseth sorrow." 在他的著作The Anatomy of Melancholy中他写道:“积累智慧的同时也会积累忧伤。”
  The Romantic poets of the early 19th century believed melancholy 19世纪初期的浪漫主义诗人们相信
  allows us to more deeply understand other profound emotions, like beauty and joy. 忧郁可以使我们更很深刻地了解其他深沉的感受,比如说美好和快乐。
  To understand the sadness of the trees losing their leaves in the fall 要了解秋季黄叶满地的忧伤,
  is to more fully understand the cycle of life that brings flowers in the spring. 就是更完善地认识可以带来春花的生命周期。
  But wisdom and emotional intelligence seem pretty high on the hierarchy of needs. 但智慧和情商看起来像是更高层次的需求。
  Does sadness have value on a more basic, tangible, maybe even evolutionary level? 那悲伤在更基础可触,或甚至是进化的层面有没有价值?
  Scientists think that crying and feeling withdrawn is what originally helped our ancestors secure social bonds 科学家认为哭泣以及沉默寡言是最初帮助我们祖先之间牢牢建立社会关系,
  and helped them get the support they needed. 并帮助他们寻求到他们所需要的支持的。
  Sadness, as opposed to anger or violence,  和愤怒和暴力不同,
  was an expression of suffering that could immediately bring people closer to the suffering person,  悲伤是可以立马唤起别人同情的痛苦的表现,人与人之间距离一下子就近了,
  and this helped both the person and the larger community to thrive. 这样双方都会得到帮助,更大的群体也会得以发展壮大。