
   Remember, they have no control over who is going to say what, or how articulate the speaker will sound. 要知道,译员无法控制谁会说什么,或者是发言人吐字是否清晰。

  A curveball can be thrown at any time. 意外随时可能发生。
  Also, they often perform to thousands of people and in very intimidating settings, like the UN General Assembly. 他们常常要应对数干听众的大阵仗,比如联合国大会。
  To keep their emotions in check, they carefully prepare for an assignment, building glossaries in advance,  为保持情绪稳定,译员接到翻译任务后会精心准备,
  reading voraciously about the subject matter, and reviewing previous talks on the topic. 积累词汇,查阅大量相关资料,回顾以往相关发言。
  Finally, interpreters work in pairs. 最后,译员都是两两搭档。
  While one colleague is busy translating incoming speeches in real time,  一个人实时翻译发言内容,
  the other gives support by locating documents, looking up words, and tracking down pertinent information. 另一个人提供支援,如查找文件,查阅单词,搜索相关信息。
  Because simultaneous interpretation requires intense concentration, every 30 minutes, the pair switches roles. 同传要求译员精神高度集中,因而每三十分钟,两人角色互换。
  Success is heavily dependent on skillful collaboration. 成功依靠的是默契配合。
  Language is complex, and when abstract or nuanced concepts get lost in translation, the consequences may be catastrophic. 语言非常复杂,一旦抽象概念或细微差别的翻译不到位造成误解,后果不堪设想。
  As Margaret Atwood famously noted, "War is what happens when language fails." Margaret Atwood有句名言,“语言的尽头便是战争的开端。”
  Conference interpreters of all people are aware of that and work diligently behind the scenes to make sure it never does. 大会口译员对此更是深有体会,他们在幕后用心地工作,为的是不让玛格丽特一语成谶。