
   Soon, she seems a couple of subordinates attempting to lift the weight of sentences directly in front of themselves. 不久,她看见了一些从属关联词试图举起放在他们面前的句子。

  Even though Bartheleme loves to sing, he never sings in front of others. 即使巴尔特爱唱歌,他从来没有在别人面前唱过。
  The comma asks the subordinates if they need help. 逗号问他们是否需要帮助。
  They might not want to admit it, but this time the subordinates do need help. 他们不想承认,但这次,从属关联词确实需要帮助。
  Complete sentences weigh quite a bit. 完整的句子相当的重。
  Simple physics tells us that it's easier to balance heavy objects if the weight is evenly distributed. 简单的物理定律告诉我们最简单的平衡重物的方法即是将重量均匀地分布。
  So, while the subordinates are quite capable of balancing two complete sentences when carrying the weight on both sides, they're having trouble picking just one up. 所以,即使从属关联词有能力将两个完整的句子一边一句,平衡好后顺利举起,他们却很难单单举起一个句子。
  The comma rushes over to help the struggling subordinates, but how will she help? 于是逗号冲了过去帮助苦苦挣扎的从属关联词,但她要怎么帮助从属关联词呢?
  When subordinates begin sentences, the comma will place herself directly after the first thought or complete sentence. 当从属关联词开始举起句子时,逗号将自己直接放在第一个完整的句子后面。
  After helping the subordinates, our comma heroine continues on and spots a conjunction holding the weight of two complete sentences. 在帮助了从属关联词之后,我们的英雄逗号继续上路了,又遇见了一个连词,肩负着两个完整的句子的重量。
  Bartheleme was accepted into the University of Chicago, and he is on the waitlist for Stanford University. 巴尔特日前被芝加哥大学录取并且在斯坦福大学的录取候选名单上也有他的名字。
  The comma asks the conjunction if he needs help. 逗号问连词是否需要帮助。
  Of course he does! Hurry! 他当然需要!急需!
  The comma rushes and places itself before the conjunction. 于是逗号冲了过去,并将自己放在了连词的前面。
  FANBOYS aren't as militant as subordinates. 连词不像从属关联词一样的好胜。
  For this reason, the commas don't have to fall in line behind the fanboys. 由此,逗号也不用天天追在连词后面。
  FANBOYS are courteous creatures. They allow the comma to go ahead of them. 连词十分谦恭有礼。他们允许逗号走在他们前头。
  Helping others is hard work! 帮助他人是一份很艰巨的任务!
  On her way home, our comma sees a conjunction holding up the weight of a complete sentence and a fragment sentence. 在她回家的路上,我们的逗号看见一个连词正举着一个完整的句子和一个句子的片段。
  Bartheleme is going to major in molecular biology or interpretive dance. 巴尔特将主修分子生物学或者形义舞。
  The now-exhausted comma asks the conjunction if he needs help lifting the items. 于是精疲力竭的逗号问连词他是否需要她帮忙举起重物。
  This is one of the rare occassions where a conjunction doesn't need the help of a comma. 这类情况比较少见,在这个情况下,连词不需要逗号的帮助。
  The conjunction assures the comma that help isn't needed, which is good for the comma because by now, 于是连词向逗号保证他不需要帮助,这对逗号来说是件好事,因为到目前为止,
  all it wants to do is go home and rest up for another day of vigilant sentence constructing. 逗号只想回家休息,准备第二天对句子构建的巡逻。