
   If insects suddenly morphed into large beings, and decided to wage war on us, there's no doubt that humans would lose. 如果有一天,所有的昆虫突然都变大了并且要和我们开战,那我们人类必输无疑。

  We'd simply be crushed by their sheer numbers. 我们会轻易地败给它们庞大的数量。
  There are an estimated 10 quintillion individual insects on Earth. 据估计,地球上有一千亿亿个昆虫个体。
  That's a one followed by 19 zeroes. 就是1后面有19个零。
  So, compared with our population of about 7 billion, these invertebrates outnumber us by more than a billion to one. 人类人口是70亿,这些无脊椎动物的数量与我们相比是十亿比一。
  Their astounding numbers exist at the species level, as well. 它们惊世骇俗的数量也在物种层面有所体现。
  There are more than 60,000 vertebrate species on the planet. 地球上有超过六万种脊椎动物。
  But the class of insects contains a million known species, and many others that haven't been classified. 但是昆虫纲包括了一百万种已知的物种以及许多还未被分类的物种。
  In fact, these critters make up approximately 75% of all animals on Earth. 事实上,这些生物大约占据了地球上75%的动物数量。
  So, what's their secret to success? 那么,它们如此大量的秘诀是什么?
  Insect abundance comes down to many things that together make them some of the most adaptable and resilient creatures, 昆虫的巨大数量归因于许多方面,这些因素使得昆虫成为适应性最强、最有弹性的生物,
  beginning with their impressive ability to breed. 第一条就是它们极强的繁育能力。
  Many species can produce hundreds of offspring within their lifetimes. 许多种类的昆虫在一生中可以繁育出上百个后代。
  Most offspring will die, but more than enough will survive into adulthood to reproduce. 大多数幼虫会死亡,但存活下来并长成成虫继续繁育的幼虫数量足以保证这个物种繁衍生息。
  Offspring also mature very rapidly, so the cycle of reproduction resumes quickly, and can occur over and over again in a short time. 幼虫的生长速度也非常快,所以一个繁衍周期的轮回很快,在短时间内可以一遍又一遍地循环。
  These numbers mean that as a class, insects harbor a tremendous amount of genetic diversity. 这些数字说明了昆虫纲拥有非常丰富的遗传多样性。
  The different species contain a wealth of genetic data 不同的物种有着大量的基因组,
  that give them the necessary adaptations they need to thrive in a range of environments across the planet. 使得它们能获得在世界各种生存环境中得以繁衍生息所需的适应能力。
  Even some of the most extreme environments are in bounds; 即使是一些最恶劣的环境也在它们的承受范围之内
  Flat bark beetles can live at -40 degrees Fahrenheit, 扁甲虫可以在-40°F(-40°C)的环境中生存,
  Sahara Desert ants can venture out when surface temperatures exceed 155 degrees, 撒哈拉沙漠蚁在地表温度超过155°F(68°C)时还能活动自如,
  and some bumblebees can survive 18,000 feet above sea level. 一些黄蜂甚至可以在18000英尺(5486米)的地区生存。