
   Only 20 years later,  仅仅20年后

  between 1920 and 1930,  1920年至1930年间
  almost 200,000 people  近 20万人
  were killed by cars in the United States.  在美国死于车祸
  Only in 1925, almost 7,000 children  在 1925年,近7000名儿童
  were killed by cars in the United States.  在美国死于车祸
  So we could make different cities,  所以我们可以创建不一样的城市
  cities that will give more priority to human beings  创建那种适合人类生活
  than to cars, that will give more public space  而不是汽车的城市,将更多的公共空间
  to human beings than to cars,  给予人类而不是汽车的城市
  cities which show great respect  那些对最容易受到伤害的公民
  for those most vulnerable citizens,  比如孩子或者长者
  such as children or the elderly.  给予极大尊重的城市
  I will propose to you a couple of ingredients  我接下来的提案将包含几项
  which I think would make cities much better,  我认为将使城市变得更好的措施
  and it would be very simple to implement them  在新建城市中非常简单易行
  in the new cities which are only being created.  非常简单易行
  Hundreds of kilometers of greenways  数百公里的绿色街道
  criss-crossing cities in all directions.  纵横交错于城市中
  Children will walk out of homes into safe spaces.  儿童将可以走出家门,外面也同样安全
  They could go for dozens of kilometers safely  他们可以安全地在数十公里
  without any risk in wonderful greenways,  美好的绿色廊道
  sort of bicycle highways,  类似自行车公路的地方自由活动
  and I would invite you to imagine the following:  我想邀请你来想象一下以下画面:
  a city in which every other street would be  一座城市,每条街道将
  a street only for pedestrians and bicycles.  只是人行道和自行车道
  In new cities which are going to be built,  在即将建造的新城市中
  this would not be particularly difficult.  做到这点并不是特别困难
  When I was mayor of Bogot??,  当我担任波哥大市长的时候
  in only three years, we were able to create  仅三年,我们就建造了
  70 kilometers,  70公里
  in one of the most dense cities in the world,  而且是在世界上,人口最稠密的城市之一
  of these bicycle highways. 70公里的自行车公路
  And this changes the way people live,  这改变了人们的生活
  move, enjoy the city.  出行和享受城市的方式
  In this picture, you see in one of the very poor neighborhoods,  在这张图片里,你可以看到,在一个非常贫穷的社区
  we have a luxury pedestrian bicycle street,  我们有豪华的自行车行人专用道
  and the cars still in the mud.  而汽车仍行驶在土地上
  Of course, I would love to pave this street for cars.  当然,我很乐意铺好这条街的机动车道
  But what do we do first?  但我们首先做的是什么呢?
  Ninety-nine percent of the people in those neighborhoods don't have cars.  在这个街区,99%的人没有车
  But you see, when a city is only being created,  但你看,一座城市只被创建时
  it's very easy to incorporate  很容易将
  this kind of infrastructure.  这种基础设施纳入规划
  Then the city grows around it.  然后城市的其他设施,在这附近建立起来
  And of course this is just a glimpse  当然这是只是惊鸿一瞥
  of something which could be much better  可以带来更好的生活
  if we just create it,  我们只是创建它
  and it changes the way of life.  它就改变了我们的生活方式
  And the second ingredient, which would solve mobility,  第二要素将解决流动性的问题
  that very difficult challenge in developing countries,  在发展中国家,这非常艰难的挑战
  in a very low-cost and simple way,  一个成本非常低且简单易行的方法是
  would be to have hundreds of kilometers  将数百公里的道路
  of streets only for buses,  打造成专用道,巴士专用道
  buses and bicycles and pedestrians.  公交车专用道、自行车专用道和人行道
  This would be, again, a very low-cost solution  这将是一个成本十分低廉的解决方案
  if implemented from the start,  如果从头开始实施
  low cost, pleasant transit  成本低,带来令人愉快的转变
  with natural sunlight.  享受自然阳光
  But unfortunately, reality is not as good  但不幸的是,现实和我
  as my dreams.  梦想的不一样
  Because of private property of land  由于土地的私有权
  and high land prices,  和高价格因素
  all developing country cities have a large problem of slums.  所有发展中国家的城市,都有贫民窟这个难题
  In my country of Colombia, almost half the homes  在我生活的国家哥伦比亚,城市中几乎一半的房屋
  in cities initially were illegal developments.  是在城市修建之初的违建
  And of course it's very difficult to have  当然这就为使用
  mass transit or to use bicycles in such environments.  公共交通或使用自行车,带来了诸多不便
  But even legal developments  不过,即使是符合法律的发展
  have also been located in the wrong places,  也发展在了错误的地方
  very far from the city centers  像是离市中心很远的地方
  where it's impossible to provide  在那里是不可能提供
  low-cost, high-frequency public transport.  低成本、高效率的公共交通的
  As a Latin American, and Latin America  作为一个拉丁美洲国家
  was the most recently organized region in the world,  拉丁美洲是世界上,近年来按秩序发展的区域
  I would recommend, respectfully, passionately,  我恭敬地,充满激情地建议
  to those countries which are yet to urbanize --  这些尚有待于城市化的国家 --
  Latin America went from 40 percent urban in 1950 拉丁美洲去的城市化从 1950年的 40%
  to 80 percent urban in 2010 增长到 2010年的 80%
  I would recommend Asian and African countries  我建议亚洲国家和非洲国家
  which are yet to urbanize,  那些仍未城市化的地方
  such as India which is only 33 percent urban now,  比如印度,印度城市化目前只有 33%
  that governments should acquire all land around cities.  当地政府应掌握城市周围的所有土地
  In this way, their cities could grow in the right places  这样,这些城市才会合理发展
  with the right spaces, with the parks,  建有公园
  with the greenways, with the busways.  绿色街道,公交车道
  The cities we are going to build  未来 50年
  over the next 50 years  我们要建的城市
  will determine quality of life and even happiness  将决定未来数十亿人民的
  for billions of people towards the future.  生活质量,甚至幸福感
  What a fantastic opportunity for leaders  这对许多领导人和年轻领袖
  and many young leaders to come,  是绝好的机会
  especially in the developing countries.  特别是对那些在发展中国家的来说
  They can create a much happier life  他们可以为未来数十亿人民
  for billions towards the future.  带来更加幸福快乐的生活
  I am sure, I am optimistic,  我坚信这点,我很乐观
  that they will make cities better  他们将使城市
  than our most ambitious dreams.  比我们所期望的更好