
   I'm iO Tillett Wright, and I'm an artist born and raised in New York City.  我是欧伊·蒂利特·莱特,纽约土生土长的艺术家。

  Self Evident Truths is a photographic record of LGBTQ America today.  “不证自明的真理”是今天美国同性恋群体的摄影记录。
  My aim is to take a simple portrait  我的目标是为在任何方面
  of anyone who's anything other than 100 percent straight  觉得自己不是百分之百“直”的人
  or feels like they fall in the LGBTQ spectrum in any way.  拍摄一幅简单的肖像。
  My goal is to show the humanity that exists in every one of us  我的目标是通过一张张质朴的脸向大家阐释
  through the simplicity of a face.  人性存在于每个人身上。
  "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal."  “我们认为人人生而平等这样的真理是不证自明的。”
  It's written in the Declaration of Independence.  它被写在独立宣言中。
  We are failing as a nation  我们正在丧失掉
  to uphold the morals upon which we were founded.  我们建国时候所坚持的信念。
  There is no equality in the United States.  这样的美国没有平等可言。
  It's when you don't have to think about it, simple as that.  不用去想,它本该如此。
  The fight for equal rights is not just about gay marriage.  争取平等的斗争不仅仅是为了同性婚姻。
  Today in 29 states, more than half of this country,  今天,美国的29个州,超过美国州总数一半,
  you can legally be fired just for your sexuality.  你可能因为性取向而被合法的炒掉。
  I've heard hundreds of people give the same answer:  我听到很多人给出了同样的答案:
  "We are all responsible for equality."  “我们都有义务保证平等”
  So far we've shot 300 faces in New York City.  目前我们在纽约拍摄了三百张人像。
  And we wouldn't have been able to do any of it  没有人权组织阵营的大力支持
  without the generous support of the Human Rights Campaign.  我们无法做到这一点。
  I want to take the project across the country.  我希望在整个国家开展该项活动。
  I want to visit 25 American cities, and I want to shoot 4,000 or 5,000 people.  我希望游历25个美国城市,拍摄4000到5000个人。
  This is my contribution to the civil rights fight of my generation.  这是我为我这一代人的公民权利斗争做出的努力。
  I challenge you to look into the faces of these people  我要求你看着这些肖像的眼睛
  and tell them that they deserve less than any other human being.  对他们说他们不配享有跟你一样的权利。
  Absolutely nothing could have prepared us for what happened after that.  我们当时绝对想不到这之后发生的事情。
  Almost 85,000 people watched that video,  大概85000人观看了视频后
  and then they started emailing us from all over the country,  给我们发电子邮件,要我们去他们的小镇拍摄,
  asking us to come to their towns and help them to show their faces.  帮助他们出镜。
  And a lot more people wanted to show their faces than I had anticipated.  想要参与的人数远远超过的了预计。
  So I changed my immediate goal to 10,000 faces.  所以我立刻把目标提高到了一万张肖像。
  That video was made in the spring of 2011,  视频制作自2011年的春天,
  and as of today I have traveled to almost 20 cities  而今年我已经在将近20个城市
  and photographed almost 2,000 people.  拍摄了将近2000个人的大头照。
  I know that this is a talk,  我知道现在是演讲,
  but I'd like to have a minute of just quiet  但是我希望能留出一分钟时间什么都不说,
  and have you just look at these faces  只是看着他们的脸,
  because there is nothing that I can say that will add to them.  因为我想不出需要补充什么。
  Because if a picture is worth a thousand words,  因为一图胜千言,
  then a picture of a face needs a whole new vocabulary.  没有一个词汇可以诠释一副面孔。