
   While you are basking in the glow  当你沉浸在你第一次

  of having won your first massively multiplayer thumb-wrestling game,  赢得超级多人拇指摔跤比赛胜利的光荣中时
  let's do a quick recap on the positive emotions.  我们来说说这当中的正面情绪
  So curiosity. 好奇心
  I said "massively multiplayer thumb-wrestling."  当我说超级多人拇指摔跤的时候
  You were like, "What the hell is she talking about?"  你大概会想:她到底在说什么?
  So I provoked a little curiosity.  我引发了一些好奇心
  Creativity: 创造力:
  it took creativity to solve the problem of getting all the thumbs into the node. 把所有的拇指连结到一个节点,需要发挥创造力
  I'm reaching around and I'm reaching up.  要和周遭以及上面的人连结
  So you used creativity. That was great.  所以你们发挥了创造力,这样很好
  How about surprise? The actual feeling  那惊喜呢?
  of trying to wrestle two thumbs at once is pretty surprising.  同时用两个拇指摔跤,是很让人惊喜的事
  You heard that sound go up in the room.  你听到了这个房间里的声音变大了
  We had excitement. As you started to wrestle,  还有兴奋:当你开始摔跤的时候
  maybe you're starting to win or this person's, like, really into it,  你也许觉得能够赢过那个人
  so you kind of get the excitement going.  所以你开始感到兴奋
  We have relief. You got to stand up.  我们得到了解脱:你得站起来
  You've been sitting for awhile, so the physical relief, getting to shake it out. 你们已经坐着好一阵子了,身体的舒缓把疲劳一扫而空
  We had joy. You were laughing, smiling. 我们得到了喜悦。你们在大笑、微笑,
  Look at your faces. This room is full of joy.  看看这些面孔。这个房间里充满了喜悦
  We had some contentment.  我们感到很满足
  I didn't see anybody sending text messages or checking their email while we were playing,  当我们在玩的时候,我没看到有人在传讯息,或是在看电子邮件
  so you were totally content to be playing.  表示你们完全满足于玩这个游戏
  The most important three emotions,  最重要的三个情绪、敬畏、以及惊讶
  awe and wonder, we had everybody connected physically for a minute.  我们把所有人在生理上连结起来了一分钟
  When was the last time you were at TED  你们上次在TED演说当中
  and you got to connect physically with every single person in the room?  和在这房间里的每一个人,产生连结是什么时候?
  And it's truly awesome and wondrous.  这真是令人惊讶又奇妙
  And speaking of physical connection,  说到生理上的连结
  you guys know I love the hormone oxytocin,  我很喜欢催产素这个荷尔蒙
  you release oxytocin, you feel bonded to everyone in the room.  当你分泌催产素时,你会感到跟这个房间里的所有人产生了连结
  You guys know that the best way to release oxytocin quickly 快速分泌催产素的最好方法就是
  is to hold someone else's hand for at least six seconds. 握住另一个人的手至少六秒
  You guys were all holding hands for way more than six seconds,  你们都握了远远超过六秒
  so we are all now biochemically primed to love each other. That is great. 所以我们现在正因为,生化反应的刺激而爱对方,这很棒
  And the last emotion of pride.  最后一种情绪是骄傲
  How many people are like me. Just admit it.  有多少人跟我一样,承认吧
  You lost both your thumbs.  你两个拇指都输了
  It just didn't work out for you.  那这个情绪就不适用在你身上
  That's okay, because you learned a new skill today.  但没关系,因为你今天学了一项新技能
  You learned, from scratch, a game you never knew before.  你学到,从基础开始,一个你从来不知道的游戏
  Now you know how to play it.You can teach other people.  现在你知道如何玩这个游戏,你可以教别人玩
  So congratulations.  恭喜你
  How many of you won just won thumb?  有多少人只有赢一个拇指?
  All right. I have very good news for you.  好,我有个好消息告诉你们
  According to the official rules of massively multiplayer thumb-wrestling, 根据多人拇指摔跤的正式规则
  this makes you a grandmaster of the game.  这表示你是这个游戏的大师
  Because there aren't that many people who know how to play,  因为并没有很多人知道怎么玩
  we have to kind of accelerate the program more than a game like chess. 我们必须让更多人认识这个游戏,让它变得比西洋棋还要热门
  So congratulations, grandmasters.  恭喜,大师们
  Win one thumb once, you will become a grandmaster.  赢一个拇指,就会让你成为一位大师
  Did anybody win both their thumbs?  有人两个拇指都赢的吗?
  Yes. Awesome. Okay.  有。大棒了。好
  Get ready to update your Twitter or Facebook status.  准备在Twitter或是Facebook上面更新状态吧
  You guys, according to the rules, are legendary grandmasters, so congratulations. 根据规则,你们是传奇大师,恭喜
  I will just leave you with this tip,if you want to play again.  如果你们还想再玩的话,让我告诉你们一个秘诀
  The best way to become a legendary grandmaster,you've got your two nodes going on. 成为一位传奇大师最好的方法,要同时注意你的两个节点
  Pick off the one that looks easiest.  选看起来比较容易的那个下手
  They're not paying attention. They look kind of weak.  别人并不专心,他们看起来很弱
  Focus on that one and do something crazy with this arm. 专注在那一边,并用这边的手臂做些疯狂事
  As soon as you win, suddenly stop.  当你赢了之后,马上停止
  Everybody is thrown off. You go in for the kill.  每个人都会被分心,你就进去大杀四方
  That's how you become a legendary grandmaster of massively multiplayer thumb-wrestling.  如此就能成为多人拇指摔跤的传奇大师
  Thank you for letting me teach you my favorite game.  谢谢你们让我教你们我最喜欢的游戏