
   My name's Seth Priebatsch. I'm the chief ninja of SCVNGR.  我叫Seth Priebatsch。我是SCVNGR公司的首席忍者。

  I am a proud Princeton dropout.  我也因普里斯顿大学辍学而感到自豪。
  Also proud to have relocated here to Boston, where I actually grew up. 同时也很自豪能够回到波士顿创业,这是我长大的地方。
  Yeah, Boston.  是的,波士顿。
  Easy wins. I should just go and name the counties that we've got around here.  我去过很多不同地方,阐述这种概念。
  So, I'm also fairly determined to try and build a game layer on top of the world. 我决定要去尝试,建立一个超级棒的游戏社交圈。
  And this is sort of a new concept, and it's really important.  这是一种新的概念,很重要的概念。
  Because while the last decade was the decade of social 因为过去十年是网络社交的黄金十年,
  and the decade of where the framework in which we connect with other people was built, 这十年里,人们在网上联系彼此的平台开始出现,
  this next decade will be the decade where the game framework is built, 下一个十年,将是游戏社交平台建立的时候,
  where the motivations that we use to actually influence behavior,  影响人们行为的动机,
  and the framework in which that is constructed, is decided upon, and that's really important. 以及游戏社交平台,都会逐渐建立起来,这很重要。
  And so I say that I want to build a game layer on top of the world,  所以,我说我想建设一个超级棒的游戏社交圈,
  but that's not quite true  这并不十分准确,
  because it's already under construction; it's already happening.  因为这个社交圈已经开始建立了:这已经在发生了。
  And it looks like this right now.  现在的情况就像这样。
  It looks like the Web did back in 1997, right?  这很像1997年的电脑页面对不对?
  It's not very good. It's cluttered.  不太好。很拥挤的页面。
  It's filled with lots of different things that, in short, aren't that fun. 它充斥着很多信息。一句话,不怎么好。
  There are credit card schemes and airline mile programs  这有信用卡刷卡方案、飞行里程计划、
  and coupon cards and all these loyalty schemes  优惠券和其它很多提升客户忠诚度的计划。
  that actually do use game dynamics  它们都利用人们玩游戏的动机
  and actually are building the game layer: they just suck.  来建立游戏社交圈,但这些游戏动机很糟糕。
  They're not very well designed, right?  这种消费游戏设计的不好,对吧?
  So, that's unfortunate.  这太糟糕了。
  But luckily, as my favorite action hero,  幸运的是,正如我最喜欢的动作巨星,
  Bob the Builder, says,  建筑师巴布(Bob the Builder欧美卡通影片)说的,
  "We can do better. We can build this better."  “我们可以做的更好。我们可以盖出更好的建筑。”
  And the tools, the resources  其实,我们用来建设游戏圈的
  that we use to build a game layer are game dynamics themselves. 工具、资源就是玩游戏的动机。
  And so, sort of, the crux of this presentation is going to go through  所以我今天演讲的关键就是
  four really important game dynamics, really interesting things,  四种重要的玩游戏的动机,非常有趣,
  that, if you use consciously,  如果你意识到,
  you can use to influence behavior, both for good, for bad, for in-between. 你就可以用这些动机来影响人们的行为,既可以朝着好的方面施加影响,也可以带来坏的影响,或者让它们同时发生。
  Hopefully for good.  当然我们希望是好的影响。