英语PK台 第822期:翻译入门(11)(在线收听

   When I first came to Beijing in the early 1980s, the city felt dusty overall--a one-time capital of temples and palaces was transformed into a landscape of factories and chimneys, and people rode simple steel bicycles or diesel-belching buses through the windy old streets. This was my initial impression of this capital city.

  Leafing through old photo albums, I can still sense the taste unique to old Beijing. Its streets, walls, temples, gardens and alleys were part of a carefully woven tapestry that reflected the constellations above and geomantic forces below. It epitomized the political-religious system that ran traditional China for millennia. It was Chinese belief incarnate.
  Sadly, its great city walls and many of its temples and distinctive alleys, or hutong, were destroyed to make way for aggressive industrialization. The 1980s brought economic reforms and unregulated real estate development, which wiped out almost all of the rest of the old town. Like many people who have fallen in love with this city, I was disheartened and felt Beijing’s culture was lost. But in recent years I have come to realize that Beijing’s culture is not dead; it is being reborn in odd corners of the city and in unexpected ways. It is not the same as the past, but vibrant still.