英语PK台 第825期: 妖魔鬼怪万圣节(在线收听

   Dialogue 1

  Mark: Hey, Jingjing. I thought you were on a trip to England and Ireland.
  Jingjing: That's not until next week. I'm excited about it, though.
  Mark: Yeah, I bet it'll be an escape from the ordinary.
  Jingjing: Speaking of extraordinary things, I got invited to a Halloween party.
  Mark: Oh, happy Halloween, by the way. Is the party tonight?
  Jingjing: It is, and I need your advice.
  Mark: Do you need to know something about the holiday?
  Jingjing: I'm pretty familiar with the holiday—costumes, Jack-o-Lanterns, trick-or-treating, and all that.
  Mark: Too bad. I was all ready to give you the run-down.
  Jingjing: Well, I might take a rain check on that conversation. I need help about the party.
  Mark: Do you need to bring something?
  Jingjing: I have to go to the party right after work. I'll bring some goodies I have in my office, just in case. But I don't have anything in the way of a costume.
  Mark: Haha. You're looking at the expert of last-minute holiday preparations.
  Jingjing: Uh, that's a relief, I guess.
  Mark: Hey, since you still have a few hours, how about I go get a cup of coffee and check the supermarket for stuff. If there's nothing, I'll still be back with coffee and ideas.
  Jingjing: Sure. I'll be here.
  Mark: See you in a bit.
  New words : 习语短语
  Jack-o-Lantern 南瓜灯
  a pumpkin with a candle inside, lighting up a carved face
  trick-or-treating 不给糖就捣蛋
  going house to house, wearing costumes and getting candy
  a rain check 改日,改期
  a reservation, to buy something or do something later
  goodies 小礼物 小零食
  small gifts or snacks
  in the way of 像,能用于
  like, can be used for
  Dialogue 2
  Jingjing: There you are, Mark. That was quick.
  Mark: Yeah, the coffee's still hot. Bad news about the costume, though.
  Jingjing: What?! Didn't they have any stuff for Halloween?
  Mark: Well, they had these bags of candy corn. I bought some, because I haven't seen it anywhere else in Beijing. Take some with you to the party. But, as for costumes, it was all kids' stuff. The masks and clothes were way too small.
  Jingjing: I should hang onto some clothes that can be used as a costume, for next year. I'm always having ideas about holidays, just not when it's the actual holiday.
  Mark: I know the feeling. Here are my ideas for improvising a costume.
  Jingjing: I'm all ears.
  Mark: First, you could go as a toilet paper mummy. You just need a bunch of toilet paper and a little cello tape.
  Jingjing: That's a possibility. Let's hear another idea.
  Mark: You could do the same thing with toilet paper, but just wrap it around your head a few times, then put a spot of ketchup on it, like blood on a bandage.
  Jingjing: Ok, that one might be a little easier to manage. What else?
  Mark: Well, the next one's kind of a last resort. If you're wearing clothes you don't like all that much, you could go out for a bowl of noodles, and, when you're finished, dump the extra soup on yourself and be a food fight victim.
  Jingjing: These ideas are terrible! Besides, I don't have time to go out to eat.
  Mark: Here, try some of this candy corn. Maybe that'll cheer you up.
  Jingjing: Thanks. Uh, this tastes weird.
  Mark: I didn't say it was good. No wonder it's not more widely sold in China.
  New words : 习语短语
  hang onto 保存 但现在不用
  keep, but don't use now
  improvise 即兴,现场行为
  act without preparation, or make something without the right materials
  I'm all ears. 洗耳恭听
  I'm totally listening.
  easier to manage 更容易做
  easier to do, easier to keep in good condition, easier to make successful
  a last resort 万不得已的法子
  an option we have, but not one we'd like to use unless all the other options can't be used
  a food fight 食物大战
  people throwing food at each other (either playfully or in a quarrel)