美国小学英语教材3:第110课 布莱德诺克的小棕仙(5)(在线收听

   The Kind Brownie's Work 善良小棕仙的工作

  All the people of the town were a little afraid at first, but in a week everyone was praising the brownie. 起初,小镇里的所有人都有点儿害怕,但不到一周,每个人都在夸赞小棕仙。
  For Aiken-Drum was the most wonderful worker that ever was seen, and the strange thing was that he did most of his work at night. 艾肯·德拉姆是他们见过的最棒的工人,而且奇怪的是,他多半在晚上工作。
  If there was a tired baby to sing to sleep, or a house to be made clean, 如果有孩子闹夜要人唱歌哄着睡觉,或是一个屋子要人去清扫,
  or some cream that would not turn to butter, or bread that would not rise, Aiken-Drum always knew about it. 或是有些奶油无法变成黄油,或是一些面包发不起来,艾肯·德拉姆总会知道怎么办。
  He would come at just the right time. 他总会在恰当的时候出现。
  He gathered the sheep together on stormy nights. 他会在刮大风的夜晚把羊群赶到一起。
  He carried home the heavy bundle for a tired man. 他也会为疲惫不堪的人把一捆沉重的东西带回家。
  He put the grain safely in the barns. 他还会把粮食安全地收到谷仓里。
  Many a time some poor mother would be up all night with a sick child. 可怜的母亲整个晚上都要起来多次,去照顾生病的孩子。
  Then, in the morning, she would sit down in front of the fire and fall fast asleep. 而在早上,她会坐在火炉前,很快就睡着了。
  When she woke up, she would find that Aiken-Drum had made her a visit. 当她醒来的时候,她发现艾肯·德拉姆已经来过她家了。
  The floor would be swept, the dishes washed, the fire made, and the breakfast started. 地已经扫了,盘子已经洗了,火已经生着了,甚至连早饭也开始煮了。
  But the little man would be gone, for he never waited to be thanked. 但这个小人儿却走了,因为他从来不会等着别人感谢他。