
   You know, the mind whizzes away like a washing machine going round and round, 你们知道的,大脑(心灵)总是像一台洗衣机般飕飕运转,反反复复,

  lots of difficult, confusing emotions, and we don't really know how to deal with that. 许多复杂、令人困惑的感情,而我们却不真的知道怎么来应对,
  And the sad fact is that we are so distracted that we're no longer present in the world in which we live. 可悲的事实是我们如此分心以至于我们不再处在自己当下生活的这个世界。
  We miss out on the things that are most important to us, 我们错过了对我们而言最重要的事情,
  and the crazy thing is that everybody just assumes, that's the way life is, 而疯狂的是每个人都只是以为,哦,这就是生活,
  so we've just kind of got to get on with it. That's really not how it has to be. 我们不得不这么过。但生活真的不必须成为这样子。
  So I was about 11 when I went along to my first meditation class. 当我去上我第一节冥想课的时候我只有11岁。
  And trust me, it had all the stereotypes that you can imagine, the sitting cross-legged on the floor, 相信我,课里有所有你能想到的关于冥想的成见,盘腿坐在地板上,
  the incense, the herbal tea, the vegetarians, the whole deal, 焚香,药茶,素食主义者,全部东西,
  but my mom was going and I was intrigued, so I went along with her. 但我妈妈当时参加了,而我也感兴趣,所以我跟她一起去了。
  I'd also seen a few kung fu movies, and secretly I kind of thought I might be able to learn how to fly, 我还看了几部功夫电影,私下里我想我或许能学会怎么飞起来,
  but I was very young at the time. 但我那时实在非常年轻。
  Now as I was there, I guess, like a lot of people, I assumed that it was just an aspirin for the mind. 我想,当我在那里的时候,像很多人一样,我假定那只是一颗给大脑(心灵)的阿司匹林。
  You get stressed, you do some meditation. 当感到压力的时候,你就冥想一会。
  I hadn't really thought that it could be sort of preventative in nature, 我不曾真的考虑那本质上会是一种阻碍,
  until I was about 20, when a number of things happened in my life in quite quick succession, 直到我大约20岁,一些事情在我的人生中接连地发生,
  really serious things which just flipped my life upside down and all of a sudden I was inundated with thoughts, 那是一些把我的生活整个颠倒的事情而突然之间我被各种思绪淹没了,
  inundated with difficult emotions that I didn't know how to cope with. 淹没在我不知道如何应付的复杂感情里。
  Every time I sort of pushed one down, another one would pop back up again. 每当我快要解决其中一个的时候,另一个会又一次的冒出来。
  It was a really very stressful time. 那真的是一段非常难熬的时间。