
   Now, of course, we were very interested to find out what are these so-called invasive species that are taking over in the zoo. 因此,我们对找出这些所谓的入侵物种很感兴趣,它们主宰着动物园里动物体内的微生物群。

  So we went back to the DNA, 所以我们分析了它们的DNA,
  and what the DNA told us is that every monkey in the zoo had become dominated by Bacteroides and Prevotella, 发现动物园里的每只猴子的肠道内都被类杆菌和普氏菌所主宰,
  the same microbes that we all have in our guts as modern humans. 这些猴子和现代人肠内拥有相同的微生物群。
  We wanted to find a way to visualize this, 为找到让这一发现结果可视化的方法,
  and we used some tools from multivariate ecology to put all of the microbiomes we were studying onto an axis. 我们使用了一些多元生态学工具,把我们研究的微生物群放在(坐标图的)轴线上。
  And what you're seeing here is a distance plot where every point is a different animal's microbiome. 这里你看到的是一个距离图,每个点代表着不同动物的微生物群。
  So every point represents a whole zoo of microbes. 所以,每一点也代表了整个动物园的微生物。
  And the microbiomes that have a lot of microbes in common are close to each other. 如果不同微生物群中彼此的微生物相似的话,它们在图中的距离就很近。
  The ones that are very different are farther apart. 差异很大的微生物群,在图中则离彼此很远。
  So this is showing you that the two groups of wild monkeys are over on the left. 这里展示的是:最左边的点代表两组野外的猴子。
  The top left are these highly endangered monkeys called the red-shanked douc in Vietnam. 左上方的点是高度濒危的越南猴,叫做白臀叶猴。
  And at the bottom left are monkeys from Costa Rica. 左下角的点则是来自哥斯达黎加的猴子。
  So you can see that they have totally different microbiomes in the wild. 从图中看出,野外生活的猴子有着完全不同的微生物群。
  And then the same two species of monkey in the zoo are converging, 而在动物园里,这两种猴子(的微生物群)正在汇合,
  so their microbiomes change and they become much more similar to each other, 它们的微生物群改变了,变得更加相似,
  even though these are zoos on different continents, different geographical regions, and they're eating different diets. 尽管它们(猴子)来自不同大洲的动物园、不同的地理区域和不同的饮食。