美国小学英语教材4:第90课 纺线姑娘(3)(在线收听

   She promised to give him her coral necklace. 她答应把珊瑚项链给小矮人。

  On hearing that, he snapped his fingers in the air, took off his hat, 听了这话,小矮人在空中打了一下响指,摘下帽子,
  sat down on a three-legged milking stool in front of the spinning-wheel, and began to spin. 坐在纺车前面的一张三腿的挤奶凳上,开始纺纱,
  Whir, whirr, whirrr! The straw seemed to fly through the air, as if caught up in a wind. 呜...呜...呜...稻草似乎在空中飞舞了起来,好像被风吹起,
  And in a moment, behold! All the straw was gold thread, heaped neatly together, and the stable was swept empty. 不一会儿,看!所有的稻草全都变成了金子,堆得整整齐齐,马厩一扫而空。
  The little long-nosed man got down from his stool as fresh as a daisy. 那个长鼻子的小矮人从凳子上站起,精气神十足,
  Then he put the coral necklace into the little bag which he carried, and off he went. 然后把珊瑚项链放进带着的小袋子里,就走了。
  When next morning the king saw the thread, all of pure gold, he was mightily pleased. 第二天早上,国王看到了纯金的纺线,心情大好。
  But his greed for more gold grew with every glance at the golden heap. 但他每看一眼那座黄金堆,就会想要更多。
  "Well and fair," said he, "well and fair. You shall try again." “好极了,”国王说,“好极了,你应该再试一次。”