留美老师带你每日说英文 第1069期:OK这个词的由来(在线收听

   OK's beginnings had become obscure but it didn't really matter anymore -- the word was embedded in our language. Today, we use it as the ultimate "neutral affirmative."

  1.obscure 模糊的、难懂的
  obscure (adj.) 模糊的、难懂的
  vague (adj.) (形状外观)模糊不清的、不明确的
  2.embed 嵌入、埋置
  embed (v.) 嵌入、埋置
  embedded (adj.) 嵌入的、埋入的
  3.ultimate 最终的、基本的、最初的
  ultimate (adj.) 最终的、基本的、最初的
  ultimate (n.) 结局、极限
  ultimately (adv.) 最终地
  utimatum (n.) 最后通牒、结论
  4.affirmative 肯定语
  affirmative (n.) 肯定语
  affirmative (adj.) 肯定的
  affirm (v.) (有凭有据地)断言、申明
  affirmation (n.) 肯定、证实