留美老师带你每日说英文 第1071期:回收旧手机(在线收听

   Rather than digging in the ground for the elements needed for new handsets, it makes sense to extract them from old phones. But only about 10% of handsets are recycled now. So recycle your phone if you get a new one this year. Why? It is, you might say, elementary.

  1.dig 挖掘
  dig (v.) 挖掘
  dip (v.) 浸、蘸
  2.element 元素;要素
  element (n.) 元素;要素
  elementary (adj.) 基本的、基础的
  3.handset 手机;电话听筒
  handset (n.) 手机;电话听筒
  headphones (n.) 头戴式耳机
  4.extract 提取、提炼
  extract (v.) 提取、提炼
  abstract (adj.) 抽象的;难懂的
  5.recycle 回收
  recycle (v.) 回收
  reuse (v.) 重复利用