乔布斯传 第464期:蒂姆·库克(5)(在线收听

   At Apple his role became implementing Jobs's intuition, which he accomplished with a quiet diligence. 在苹果公司,他成了贯彻乔布斯直觉的角色。

  Never married, he threw himself into his work. 他默默耕耘,全心投入工作,至今未娶。
  He was up most days at 4:30 sending emails, then spent an hour at the gym, and was at his desk shortly after 6. 大多数日子里,他都在凌晨4点半起床,收发邮件,然后去健身房运动一个小时,6点刚过就到达办公室。
  He scheduled Sunday evening conference calls to prepare for each week ahead. 他在每周日的晚上都要安排电话会议,为下一周的工作作准备。
  In a company that was led by a CEO prone to tantrums and withering blasts, 在一个易怒、暴躁的老板手下,
  Cook commanded situations with a calm demeanor, a soothing Alabama accent, and silent stares. 库克总是用冷静的态度以及亚拉巴马州人特有的那种镇静的口音和沉着的目光来控制局面。
  "Though he's capable of mirth, Cook's default facial expression is a frown, and his humor is of the dry variety," “尽管库克也会感到开心,但他一贯的表情就是皱眉,他的幽默感也是一本正经的、不露声色的。”
  Adam Lashinsky wrote in Fortune. "In meetings he's known for long, uncomfortable pauses, 《财富》杂志的亚当·拉辛斯基这样写道,“在会议上,他以让人不适的长时间停顿而出名,
  when all you hear is the sound of his tearing the wrapper off the energy bars he constantly eats." 每到这时,你听到的都是他在撕他常吃的能量棒包装纸的声音。”