美国小学英语教材3:第120课 灰姑娘(4)(在线收听

   As the godmother was a fairy, she could guess what the girl was thinking. 她的教母毕竟是个仙女,她能猜出小女孩想的事情。

  So she said to her, "You wish you could go to the ball, do you not?" 于是她对灰姑娘说:“你想参加舞会,是吗?
  Oh, yes, said Cinderella, sadly.  “嗯,是的。”灰姑娘伤心地说道。
  Well, said the godmother, "do as I tell you, and you may go. 教母说:“好吧,按我教你的做,你就能去了。
  First, run out into the garden and bring me the very largest pumpkin you can find there." 首先跑进花园,把你能找到的最大的南瓜拿给我。”
  Cinderella went at once and brought a fine pumpkin to her godmother, but she could not understand how it would help her to go to the ball, 灰姑娘立刻去给她的教母拿来了一个大南瓜,但是她不明白南瓜怎么能帮她参加舞会。
  She could not understand any better when she saw her godmother take out all the inside of the pumpkin, and then strike the outside with her magic wand.  当她看到仙女取出南瓜的瓤子并在南瓜外面挥舞魔棒的时候,她还是没有明白怎么回事。
  But at once the pumpkin was turned into the most wonderful coach that Cinderella had ever seen in all her life.  但南瓜立刻变成了灰姑娘一生中从未见过的豪华马车。
  How shall we get horses for such a great coach as this, godmother? asked Cinderella.  “教母大人,我们怎么才能给这样的豪华马车找到马匹呢?”灰姑娘问道。
  In the corner of the kitchen, said the fairy, "you will find a mouse-trap; bring it to me." 仙女说:“你会在厨房的角落里找到一个捕鼠器,把它拿来给我。
  Cinderella went to look for the mouse-trap, and, when she found it, she saw in it six mice, all alive. 灰姑娘找到了捕鼠器,她看到里面有六只活老鼠。