美国小学英语教材4:第105课 橘子丰收(1)(在线收听


  Burchard Bacon 伯查德·培根
  Perhaps you had an orange for breakfast this morning. 也许你今早吃了一个橘子。
  It took you only a few minutes to eat it, but many people worked to help get it ready for you. 只花了几分钟就吃完了,但是过程中有很多人为你准备。
  Mr. Bacon, the author of this story, will tell you what happens to oranges after they ripen on the tree. 作者培根会告诉你橘子在树上成熟后发生的事。
  "Mum-m-m-m," cried Jane, sniffing the air eagerly as they rode along. “唔——唔——唔,”简叫道,坐车上急切地嗅着味道。
  "Mother, what can that nice smell be?" “妈妈,什么东西这么好闻?”
  "It makes me think of orange blossoms," replied Mrs. Morgan slowly. “它让我想起了桔子花,”摩根太太慢条斯理地回答道。
  "Perhaps we are near an orange grove. Oranges, you know, come to us from this warm, sunny land." “也许这附近有片橘子林。橘子生长在温暖、阳光灿烂的土地上。”
  A moment later the automobile in which the Morgans were sight-seeing rounded a sharp curve in the road. 过了一会儿,摩根一家人坐的观光车在路上拐了个急弯。
  There on one side of the road was an orchard of sturdy trees bearing green and yellow fruit. 路的一边有一个茂密的果园,树上结着绿色和黄色的果实。
  Here and there clusters of small white flowers could be seen among the dark shining leaves. 在深色发光的叶子中间,可以看到一簇簇白色的小花。
  Mrs. Morgan asked the driver to go more slowly while she and Jane leaned forward to watch the men who were picking the fruit. 摩根太太让司机开慢点,她和简向前倾着身子,看着那些摘水果的人。
  The child heard the busy snip of the scissors which the men were using to cut the ripened fruit from its stems. 简听到人们用剪刀把成熟的果实从茎上剪下来的咔嚓声。
  The pickers carefully dropped the oranges from their gloved hands into wooden boxes piled near the trees. 采摘者们戴着手套小心翼翼地把桔子扔进堆在树旁的木箱里。