美国小学英语教材4:第111课 收羊毛(2)(在线收听

   Aunt Betsy, his wife, was busy all the week before, baking and roasting, 塞缪尔的妻子,贝琪阿姨整整一个星期都在忙着烘焙和烧烤,

  and packing the good things into a trunk that was sent out on the morning of shearing day. 然后在剪羊毛日的早晨把这些做好的东西装进箱子里送过去。
  Mary was going to the shearing this year for the first time. 玛丽今年第一次去剪羊毛。
  Peter was to be allowed to leave the family as soon as they reached the grounds, and enjoy the day with his friends. 彼得和朋友们一到庄园就被允许离开出去玩耍。
  When Grandfather came home from the sheepwashing on Saturday night, the children asked him questions faster than he could answer them: 星期六晚上,爷爷洗完羊回来,孩子们问问题的速度比他回答的速度还要快:
  "Are all the tents up?" "Are there any more sheep than there were last year?" “所有的帐篷都搭好了吗?”“这里的羊比去年多吗?”
  "Did anyone get tumbled over into the pond?" “有没有人摔倒在池塘里?”
  "Yes, indeed," said Grandfather, "your Uncle Samuel went splash over backward! We couldn't help laughing." “是的,是的,”爷爷说,“塞缪尔叔叔溅了一身水!我们忍不住笑了。”
  Peter felt perfectly happy when Grandfather said, "Well, it will be a fine day tomorrow." 当爷爷说,明天是个好天气,彼得高兴极了。
  That night he lay awake for hours, and then slept so hard that Grandfather had to call him in the morning. 那天晚上彼得躺在床上,几个小时没睡着,后来才睡下去,早上爷爷不得不给他打电话。
  "Peter, Peter, are you up?" “彼得,彼得,你起床了吗?”
  No boy ever dressed faster than Peter did that morning. 那天早上,彼得在所有人当中穿衣的速度是最快的。
  Clatter, clatter, his stout shoes sounded on the stairs. 当啷,当啷,楼梯上传来他那双结实鞋子的声音。
  After breakfast, Grandfather and Peter walked down the street to the stable, harnessed the old white horse, and drove him back to the house. 吃过早饭,爷爷和彼得沿着街道来到马厩,给那匹老白马套上挽具,然后驱回家去。
  Mother and Mary were waiting at the gate with baskets of lunch beside them. 妈妈和玛丽在大门口等着,身边放着一篮子午餐。
  Grandfather helped them into the cart, and climbed to his own seat; then off they went! 爷爷扶着他们上车爬到了自己的座位上,然后一行人就离开了!