美国语文第六册 第30期:受惊的艺术家(6)(在线收听

   "Oh, that is what you please; whatever it will bring," answered Duhobret. “哦,您看着给个价吧。”杜霍布赖特答道。

  "Hem! it is too odd to please, I should think; I can promise you no more than three thalers." “哼!太差劲了,真不好给价呢;我向你保证,绝对不会超过3个泰勒(德国15至19世纪的银币)。”
  Poor Samuel sighed deeply. 可怜的杜霍布赖特深深叹了口气。
  He had spent on that piece the nights of many months. 要知道,为了画这幅画,他度过了许多不眠之夜,长达数个月之久。
  But he was starving now; and the pitiful sum offered would give bread for a few days. 可是,他现在饥肠辘辘。对方出的这笔少的不可怜的钱只够他吃几天面包。
  He nodded his head to the auctioneer, and retiring took his seat in a corner. The sale began. 于是,他冲拍卖商点点头,一屁股坐到角落里的椅子上。拍卖开始了。
  After some paintings and engravings had been disposed of, Samuel's was exhibited. 在展示了几幅画和雕刻作品后,萨缪尔的这幅画挂了出来。
  "Who bids at three thalers? Who bids?" was the cry. Duhobret listened eagerly, but none answered. “谁出3泰勒?谁出?”杜霍布赖特急切地听着,可是没有人应答。
  "Will it find a purchaser?" said he despondingly, to himself. “会有买家吗?”他沮丧地自语道。
  Still there was a dead silence. 仍然没有人出价。
  He dared not look up; 见此情景,他都不敢抬头看了。
  for it seemed to him that all the people were laughing at the folly of the artist, who could be insane enough to offer so worthless a piece at a public sale. 在他看来,仿佛所有人都在嘲弄他的愚蠢。毕竟,在公开拍卖会上谁会发疯到出钱买一文不值的东西呢。
  "What will become of me?" was his mental inquiry. “我会落到什么结果呢?”他在心里诘问道。
  "That work is certainly my best;" and he ventured to steal another glance. “那幅画作肯定是我最优秀的作品,”想到这儿,他壮起胆子瞥了一眼。
  "Does it not seem that the wind actually stirs those boughs and moves those leaves! “大风当然先折断大树枝,才刮走树叶的!