美国语文第六册 第35期:早晨的清唱剧(1)(在线收听

   Nature, for the delight of waking eyes, has arrayed the morning heavens in the loveliest hues of beauty. 因为大自然高兴地睁着眼睛,所以在清晨的天空排列出最沁人心脾的光轮。

  Fearing to dazzle by an excess of delight, she first announces day by a faint and glimmering twilight, 担心人们被过强的光线晃得头晕目眩,她首先宣布白天时光线弱一些,
  then sheds a purple tint over the brows of the rising morn, and infuses a transparent ruddiness throughout the atmosphere. 在早晨太阳渐渐升起,先照射紫色光,然后让红色光透过大气层。
  As daylight widens, successive groups of mottled and rosy-bosomed clouds assemble on the gilded sphere, 随着白天展开,继之以斑斓和玫瑰色的云层齐聚在恍若镀了一层金色的大气层上,
  and, crowned with wreaths of fickle rainbows, spread a mirrored flush over hill, grove, and lake,  然后在顶部形成圆圈状的变化无常彩虹,将光线齐平反射到下面的山丘、树林和湖泊上,
  and every village spire is burnished with their splendor. 每个村庄教堂的尖顶上都反射出彩虹的光辉。
  At length, through crimsoned vapors, we behold the sun's broad disk, 最后,透过深红色的水蒸气,我们看到太阳那宽阔的光盘,
  rising with a countenance so serene that every eye may view him ere he arrays himself in his meridian brightness. 那样宁静安详,以至于在她按照子午圈排列光芒之前,我们每只眼睛都能看到她的样子。
  Not many people who live in towns are aware of the pleasure attending a ramble near the woods and orchards at daybreak in the early part of summer. 夏日破晓时分徜徉在林间和果园,住在城镇里的不是每个人都能意识到这种流淌在心底的快乐。
  The drowsiness we feel on rising from our beds is gradually dispelled by the clear and healthful breezes of early day, 我们起床时感觉到的慵懒,渐渐被早晨清新和煦的微风给驱散了,
  and we soon experience an unusual amount of vigor and elasticity. 很快就会体验到一种不同寻常的活力和身体的灵活性。
  During the night, the stillness of all things is the circumstance that most powerfully attracts our notice, 夜晚时分,周围所有一切依旧强烈吸引着我们的注意力,
  rendering us peculiarly sensitive to every accidental sound that meets the ear. 对飘进耳鼓的每一种偶然出现的声音特别敏感。