美国语文第六册 第41期:诗歌采英(1)(在线收听

   The Cloud. 云彩

  By John Wilson 约翰·威尔逊
  A cloud lay cradled near the setting sun, 一抹云彩像摇篮一样挂在落日近处,
  A gleam of crimson tinged its braided snow; 深红色的光束染红了辫子状的雪地;
  Long had I watched the glory moving on, 我长久地凝视这飘浮着的壮丽,
  O'er the still radiance of the lake below: 连下面的湖水也闪烁着光芒;
  Tranquil its spirit seemed, and floated slow, 它的神采那样静谧,慢慢地浮动,
  E'en in its very motion there was rest, 甚至在它倏忽一闪中也有静止不动,
  While every breath of eve that chanced to blow, 夜晚碰巧刮来的一阵狂风,
  Wafted the traveler to the beauteous west. 将旅行者吹到美丽的西方。
  Emblem, methought, of the departed soul, 我想,这象征已逝的灵魂,
  To whose white robe the gleam of bliss is given, 他的白色长袍披上祝福的闪光,
  And by the breath of mercy made to roll, Right onward to the golden gate of heaven, 在仁慈的微风下摆动,向上直抵天国金光闪闪的大门,
  While to the eye of faith it peaceful lies, 信念的眼神平静祥和,
  And tells to man his glorious destinies. 向我诉说他辉煌的宿命。
  My Mind. 我的内心
  By William Byrd 威廉·伯德
  My mind to me a kingdom is; 对我来说我的内心就是一个王国;
  Such perfect joy therein I find, 我在里面觅到如此完美的快乐,
  As far exceeds all earthly bliss 超越所有世俗的
  That God or nature hath assigned; 上帝或者大自然赐予的极乐;
  Though much I want that most would have, 尽管我需要的很多,可是得到的更多,
  Yet still my mind forbids to crave. 我的内心仍旧不准寄予渴望。