留美老师带你每日说英文 第1076期:工作时的心理状态(在线收听

   There is a big difference between your state of mind before you start working and your state of mind once you're in the flow state, once you're immersed in your project. The trick is just getting yourself there.

  1.difference 差别,差异
  difference (n.) 差别,差异
  differ (v.) 不同,相异
  2.state of mind 心情;心理状态
  state of mind (ph.) 心情;心理状态
  mindset (n.) 思想倾向;思维方式
  3.flow 流;流动
  flow (n.) 流;流动
  flourish (v.) (植物等) 茂盛,繁茂
  4.immerse 使浸没
  immerse (v.) 使浸没
  immense (adj.) 巨大的;广大的
  5.trick 诡计;骗局
  trick (n.) 诡计;骗局
  treat (n.) 请客